Total Drama Action Club
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added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by DuncanandGwen1
Source: my
added by lydiascats
Source: lydiascats
added by izzysawsome
Source: trent and gwen on giáng sinh
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by izzylove1999
Source: Strixmoonwing
posted by iloveduncan6
chris *has megaphone* campers come outside now!
everybody uhhhhhhhhhh
chris we have some packegas for you
everybody *opens there up but not chey*
chey xin chào were is mine
chris yours will be at the lame o sine so go wait over there
chey ok
*3 min later*
chey xin chào i know that sound it's my mototrcycle
chris yup but look who is on it
chey ok *looks up* jonsey!
jonsey xin chào chey missed me
chey of course come on let me introudouce bạn to everybody
jonsey ok come on *pats front seat* bạn can still ride right
chey of course *gets on* this brings back memories
jonsey ok come on lets go
chey ok
everybody *stops looking at...
continue reading...
added by lydiascats
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
Okay, I will now be posting my các bài viết on the TDI fanclub, not here. (Or maybe both, haha.)

So... um yeah.

A new series coming up... I dunno when! But it's coming up... lol.

Rebecca (Kiyurie) info:

Age: 16

Hair: Dark brown with auburn streaks, long, a lil wavy ;) Usually combed down straight hoặc in pigtails.

Eyes: Sky blue.

Skin: Pale, not as pale as Gwen, lol.

Anabella (Chikea- chi-KAY-ah) (lil sis) info:

Age: 6 (turning 7)

Hair: Blonde with brownish streaks, long, wavy

Eyes: Sky blue

Skin: A bit darker than mine.

Liana (Shiynie- SHEY-nee) (older sis)

Age: 18

Hair: Brownish-blond, fake blue streaks ;)

Eyes: Green-blue

Skin: Pale.

LOL. Kiyurie (Kay-YUR-rie) is my TDA character.

So um yeah.

BTW, bạn guys should really read Aria of the Sea, hehe.
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by izzysawsome
Source: courtney
added by nick54
added by Duncan_Courtney
Source: Fresh TV
added by CandD4ever
Source: me