Now bạn can not use anything higher than việt quất, blueberry pie, seltzer, and bạn can use the first one of a different gag if bạn have a different type of gag .
một giây bạn can't cá at any other place besides your house and toontown central.
third bạn still can't buy items from the cattlelog like furniture, clothes, accessorizes, gardening supply's, pet tricks, better fishing-rods, tricks for your toons, and phrases.
Lastly there is a glitch where bạn can walk underwater bởi going underwater going to Những người bạn danh sách and pressing true Những người bạn it would say bạn need to be a member to use it but, bạn can walk underwater.
một giây bạn can't cá at any other place besides your house and toontown central.
third bạn still can't buy items from the cattlelog like furniture, clothes, accessorizes, gardening supply's, pet tricks, better fishing-rods, tricks for your toons, and phrases.
Lastly there is a glitch where bạn can walk underwater bởi going underwater going to Những người bạn danh sách and pressing true Những người bạn it would say bạn need to be a member to use it but, bạn can walk underwater.