The Vampire Chronicles Club
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posted by Myf_1992
The Magnus vs Marius Battle.

Many people seem to shoot down the possibility of Marius being Lestat's Maker for numerous reasons. These arguments I have thought about thoroughly, many of them have been my own. And through discussions with Bendaimmortal I have composed the following article. This bài viết will look at different arguments people, including myself, have used to justify their choice in Magnus, that under closer examination seem to fall apart. These arguments are;

-That without the film Queen of the Damned, no one would have considered Marius as a potential Maker anyway.
-That had Magnus...
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added by Greeneiris
added by Greeneiris
added by Greeneiris
added by Greeneiris
added by Greeneiris
Three steps before we go. Just to try and avoid misunderstandings, which are all too easy to happen in a written form.

Fisrtly: This article's not at any point trying to rob bạn off your freedom to have, keep and state your own character các lượt xem and opinions.

Secondly: I am not a homophobic hoặc sexaphobic. I am merely trying to figure out its role in The VC universe; how the ricean vampires' sexuality differs from human sexuality as in on what level it should be seen and how important and essential it is to the story and relationships. I am not denying their sexuality at any point and I'm not trying...
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added by Greeneiris
added by Myf_1992
added by Greeneiris
added by Greeneiris
added by Myf_1992
added by Greeneiris
added by Greeneiris
added by Greeneiris
added by Greeneiris
added by Greeneiris
added by peteandco
Source: photobucket
added by Greeneiris
posted by bendaimmortal
Homosexual những người đang yêu hoặc very close friends. I'm using the word "or" because it has seemed like people see them only one way hoặc the other. The homosexual những người đang yêu side has seemed to completely shoot down the close Những người bạn view, as in "How can bạn not see that they're obviously homosexual lovers! bạn homophobic, you!" and "It's not bạn guys personally - it's just your view I can not see." And they never loud and clear say if they see them as only những người đang yêu hoặc possibly both. But since they say they can't see our view - and just think about the arguments I'm taking in to this bài viết - it has seemed as...
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