The Ranger's Apprentice Club
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posted by liissaaxx
 the front cover of his new book.
the front cover of his new book.
I was just đọc an interview that John Flanagan did on the 28th of January and i came across something that surprised me a lot, John Flanagan has published a new book called Storm Peak. It was published on the 1/1/09.

Jesse Parker, ex-Denver police detective, has returned to his hometown of tàu chạy bằng hơi, tàu hơi nước, steamboat Springs, Colorado, to spend the winter working the ski patrol and taking it easy. But he is reluctantly dragged back into a world of violence and murder when a serial killer begins a killing spree in the sleepy ski town. The town's được ưa chuộng sheriff, Lee Torrens, asks Jesse to...
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so i heard this website is giving away ranger's apprentice sách and posters and stuff!! the link is: link and i know bạn can get stuff for just entering your name.

i also heard they're interviewing the ranger's author! we can send in các câu hỏi to ask the tác giả (and we have to send our parents phone number too) to this email- just for asking các câu hỏi we win sách and stuff, and they'll ask our các câu hỏi to john flanagan! i'm so excited!!