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The Lorax Câu Hỏi

What's the book story all about?

Are bạn asking because bạn haven't read the book hoặc because bạn don't understand the book?
misanthrope86 posted hơn một năm qua
Its about saveing the earth! Reduce,reuse,recycle!!
fetchpro posted hơn một năm qua
marcy3 posted hơn một năm qua
 vivian133 posted hơn một năm qua
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The Lorax Các Câu Trả Lời

fetchpro said:
Its about saving the earth like I đã đưa ý kiến before.
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posted hơn một năm qua 
rodrick169 said:
It is about do not abuse the earth do not polute it and do not cut down trees
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