I AM EXTREMELY OBSESSED WITH THE GAZETTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but I'm never able to go to their lives. I'll try as hard as i can, even if I get hit bởi a car, I will try as hard as I can to go see the GazettE!!!!!!!!!!
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ahh so sad!! the gazerock những người đang yêu aren't active . . hope the gazerock will be active again coz gazerock is not DEAD!!!
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Just recently found this band and i just freaking tình yêu them!! If u have any recommending songs that i should listen to can u tell me??
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one of my personal các sở thích is guren, but i also like songs like vortex and derangement... if bạn want to hear thêm just let me know^^hơn một năm qua
the gazette was so awesome.i was a big những người hâm mộ of ruki,uruha,kai and the gazette.the gazette sugoiiiiiiii.i tình yêu the gazette.
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Last night I had a dream I was in a dark place with a dim light with my friend there bạn know what had happened!!!!!!. There was Kai and Ruki. Kai wanted to give me his autograph but I insisted that my friend should get first. Then when it was mine Kai had dissapeared I asked Ruki for his he took the pen then put it down and then dissapeared as the room went entirely dark.
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-crazy người hâm mộ girl scream- yes , i remembered my account!!!!! now i will surf the internet for awesome pics of the gazzete!!!!!!!
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THEY ROCK ONLY THIS U CAN SAY THEY ROCK THEY ARE FANTASTIC AND AMAZING u cant stop to the âm nhạc that they make cause its hmmm super wonderful everything u can say
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tình yêu you,guys!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 and tình yêu your songs too! <3 :DDDD ^_____________^ bạn all are just soo awesome!
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im not sure.... i have not heard of anything. i know that they đã đưa ý kiến they don't really like to tour to other countries.... but that may not be true.hơn một năm qua
I'm in tình yêu with the way 'Suicide Circus' (the song itself) sounds, I really like their new sound! I think I'm becoming an actual người hâm mộ of the GazettE (I've liked their âm nhạc in the past but i wasn't a người hâm mộ yet) :D
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I loved their âm nhạc to start with and I was a bit cautious when I heard they had a new sound but I freaking tình yêu the album LOL – Liên minh huyền thoạihơn một năm qua
haha i've been looking for thêm gazette's các bình luận on their latest single and was hoping for some subs ;( do u know where to find it?hơn một năm qua
Indeed. I don't know about who could make that. I did Google some but the ones I found were either too big hoặc too small, and they would look bad in there :/hơn một năm qua