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The Cullens, Bella and Jacob Câu Hỏi

Did bạn like the ending of Breaking Dawn??

I dint really like it. Like there can be another book hoặc something?? <3
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The Cullens, Bella and Jacob Các Câu Trả Lời

brakingdawn said:
Yes i think it was kool
I also think that stephenie meyer could make another book on Renesme growing up and wat happens with Jacob and Renesme and also what happens to the packs and the Cullens (that includes bella cause she now a cullen)
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not realy;i was hoping for thêm action and not just i feel like there needs to be another book about jacob
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ybet_cullen18 said:
Yes and no.
I liked it when Aro allowed Nessie to live with Bella and Edward.
On other hand, I hate it because i'm craving for thêm Edward and Bella moments.
But i agree with you, i think stephenie meyer will đăng lên another book.
According to my source, summit was asking/begging stephenie to write another book.
Was that true?
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cullenguysrhot said:
i thought it was kwl i luv da sound of renesmee cant wait til they make da movie
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chagrin91 said:
i acually ahted it coz of renesmee i just hate tat girl n also coz of renesmee n jacob imprinting thing i mean it really makes me mad y wud somebody tình yêu there mothers ex n she isnt even old enough n she is already telling her mother to calm down nothing will happen to her jacob i mean it soooooooooooo ewwwwwwwwww y wud u ngày hoặc like ur mothers ex n call him ur jacob tats soooooooooooooo ewwwwwwww
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Monnie101 said:
I thnik it was cool and really romantic. I loved it!
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TeamJacobInigo said:
I don't like it at all! I hated it because of Renesmee. Yes, she could be born! The whole imprinting was just sick and weird to me! Jacob still belongs to Bella for me. The two of them make a better couple then Edward & Bella.
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bieberfanlove12 said:
yes and just waiting for the part 2
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ebcullen4ever said:
bạn must have meant the ending of the book since this câu hỏi was made 2 years cách đây and BD part 1 came out last Nov and part 2 this Nov.I tình yêu how it ended,it was a beautiful ending,very fitting for Edward and Bella.There may be sách down the road if Stephenie decides to write more.
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Flickerflame said:
Not really. It'd gotten me hyped for a fight which never happened, and when I reread I find myself getting as hyped, even knowing how it unfolds.
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