Synyster Gates Club
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added by HouseMindFreak
added by obscurya
added by greendayfan101
added by HouseMindFreak
added by HouseMindFreak
Source: Photobucket
added by ilovehinder
added by HouseMindFreak
added by CharmedAngel88
added by obscurya
posted by greendayfan101
Being backstage with the guys is like being at Disneyworld but with five guys that tình yêu to mess round before their big show. Always making jokes and making smart remarks. I can't even Kiss Synyster without the others making chó sói, sói noises and whistling.

But no matter what, I tình yêu those guys. Before their big hiển thị in Albany, Synyster wanted to do an intro where Johnny is asleep like a baby and we have to wake him up. It was all his idea and i gotta say, I tình yêu him for it.

"Sup Albany? How's everybody doing?" I đã đưa ý kiến as we did our bit.
"Synyster Gates and Samantha Lee here. Be very quiet we have...
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added by HouseMindFreak
added by obscurya
Today we finally finished the video for "Beast and the Harlot". My band was so excited to be apart of the video. Half of my band were some of the extras as I took a shot at being the sexy anti-christ with Synyster in the strip club. It was the best ngày of my life and the video looked amazing.

I couldn't stop smiling after the last shoot. The point of the video was to hiển thị the evils of Hollywood. One evil is the strip club with myself and Synyster. I led Synyster into the club as we're watching the girl dance around. As Synyster points out the girl to me, I walk over and have my fun with the...
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added by iamasynner
synyster gates
added by HouseMindFreak
added by greendayfan101
added by CharmedAngel88
added by ilovehinder
added by ilovehinder
added by HouseMindFreak