MARIO NEEDS YOU! Do bạn draw Mario pics? Write Mario stories? Make your own Mario YouTube video hoặc make comics? Come and register for an authors thông tin các nhân at link today :-D
đã đăng hơn một năm qua
tình yêu all things Mario? (and Luigi) Come tham gia me at link :-D It's about all the Mario games from old to new, not just particular games. I would tình yêu if some people would help me grow it :)
đã đăng hơn một năm qua
I sooo want that old super Nintendo to work to I can play this game!! it wont turn on *kicks the the snes and cries* that damn snes is dead! and so is the save battery on the game. I miss this game so bad!
đã đăng hơn một năm qua
xin chào Waluigi and Rosalina shippers! I just finished making a club for these two and it would be really great to have some help to get my club started!
Hello Nice meeting bạn here, how are bạn today i will want us to be Những người bạn contact me here with my e-mail address (grace w i l l 3 2 @ y a h o o . c o m ) because i have a special reason why have contacted bạn so that i can send bạn my các bức ảnh and also tell bạn thêm about myself here is my e-mail address( ) bạn can also drop me your email mail address i am waiting to get a reply from bạn remember that co-lour, language hoặc age and distance does not matter but understand matters Yours New Friend Miss Gracehơn một năm qua