Stormclan Members of StormClan

KatieK102 posted on Sep 12, 2015 at 03:22AM
Falconstar-(KatieK102) - handsome black tom with dark gray chest and dark green eyes (Mate: Sweetbriar)

Wrenflight (TeamPeeta649) - dark brown tom with a golden chest and underbelly with amber eyes (Mate: Shiverwind)

Medicine Cats:
Slightfeather (KatieK102) - dark gray tom with darker patches and green eyes (Temporary mentor) (Mate: Creedstorm)
Swamppaw (Tanglebelly) - black and orange tom with a white freckled face and gold eyes
Pebblepaw (KatieK102) - tan and white tom with blue eyes

Creedstorm (TeamPeeta649) - dark brown she-cat with patchy black stripes all over, a white chin and seafoam green eyes (Mate: Slightfeather)
Redshadow (TeamPeeta649) - massive reddish-brown tabby tom with black stripes, paws, ears and muzzle and lavender eyes (Mate: Mistybreeze)
Duskstorm (KatieK102) - large, creamy-colored tabby tom with a white chest, underbelly, two white paws, and dark blue eyes (Mate: Frecklenose) (Apprentice: Buckpaw)
Berryfrost (KatieK102) - ginger she-cat with white nose and pretty green eyes, and a large scar across her shoulder (Mate: Strongbreeze) (Apprentice: Driftpaw)
Sunheart (Tanglebelly) - orange tom with white flecks and green eyes
Darkmist (TeamPeeta649) - white and black tom with gold eyes
Shiverwind (KatieK102)- pretty white she-cat with pale gray patches and frosty blue eyes (Mate: Wrenflight)
Strongbreeze (Tanglebelly) - black tom with white paws and tail tip, and amber eyes (Mate: Berryfrost) (Apprentice: Badgerpaw)
Sweetbriar (TeamPeeta649) - white she-cat with brown spots and amber eyes (Mate: Falconstar) (Apprentice: Flamepaw)
Frecklenose (TeamPeeta649) - orange tortoiseshell she-cat with a black freckled nose with brown eyes (Mate: Duskstorm)
Flintstripe (tanglebelly) - orange tabby tom with a large fluffy white chest and underbelly and white toes with brown eyes (Mate: Treetail)
Treetail (TeamPeeta649) - brown tom with large black stripes, long legs and blue eyes (Mate: Flintstripe) (Apprentice: Cloudpaw)
Foxclaw (Tanglebelly) - ginger tom with a white muzzle and pale green eyes (Mate: Bloodmoon)
Ambershade (KatieK102) - golden tabby she-cat with white on her muzzle, chest and paws, green eyes
Tanglewhisker (Tanglebelly)-black tom with golden tabby stripes, green eyes, and a single white paw (Apprentice: Ivorypaw)
Bloodmoon (TeamPeeta694) - dark brown she-cat with reddish paws and muzzle and green eyes (Mate: Foxclaw)
Dewspots - pure white she-cat with pale blue eyes
Thundersky (KatieK102) - muscular stone grey tabby she-cat with tan stripes and paws, and piercing hazel eyes
Blacksun (TeamPeeta694) - orange tom with black legs and green eyes
Sunflowernose (TeamPeeta694) - orange tortoiseshell she-cat and a white mask and green eyes
Pantherleap (TeamPeeta649) - grey, white and tan calico she-cat with hazel eyes

Buckpaw (Tanglebelly) - dark brown tom with grey stripes and blue eyes
Badgerpaw (TeamPeeta694) - grey and tan tom with a long tail and hazel eyes
Driftpaw(Tanglebelly) - white and brown tom with a light grey freckled muzzle and green eyes
Cloudpaw (KatieK101) - fluffy white she-cat with bright blue eyes
Flamepaw (Tanglebelly) - orange tabby tom with blue eyes
Ivorypaw (TeamPeeta694) - creamy white tom with brown eyes



Scorchgaze (TeamPeeta649) - large, muscular orange tabby tom with amber eyes
Hushpool (TeamPeeta649) - muscular light tan she-cat with dark brown paws and green eyes (Mate: Skyheart)
Skyheart (Tanglebelly) - lean grey tom with blue eyes (Mate: Hushpool)
Featherwing (TeamPeeta649) - light grey tom with white stripes, a long fluffy tail, and icy blue eyes (Mate: Crowtail)
Crowtail (Tanglebelly) - muscular jet black tom with blue eyes (Mate: Featherwing)
Mistybreeze (KatieK102) - slender gray tabby she-cat with one white paw, tail tip and blue eyes (Mate: Redshadow) retired early


Current Season: New-Leaf
last edited on Jun 01, 2022 at 02:46PM

Stormclan 31229 các câu trả lời

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hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*shrugs* I just hope it helps to be honest. *chuckles* But i hope it works out for you someone needs to teach that tom how to love.
hơn một năm qua KatieK102 said…
Tangle and Blue it is! >:D

"Lucky you," *teases, nudging him before speeding up* ~ Berryfrost
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*speeds up with her to keep pace* Lucky me indeed.
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
*smiles and nods* I really want to be the cat who can do that for him. -Sweetbriar
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
Then be that cat dont have anything hold you back.
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
Absolutely! -Sweetbriar
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
Now off you go you little trouble maker. *says laying his head back onto his paws* I need a nap.
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
*nods* Thank you again, Streamripple. *dips her head before leaving the den, returning to her sister's body* -Sweetbriar
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*looks over at Sweetbriar and nudges her* You good?
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
I'm all right. What about you? -Sweetbriar
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
Good just hoping for the best now. *leans onto Frecklenose*
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
I think we all are. *leans against his other side* Are you and Treetail okay? I know it must have been hard when everything came out. -Sweetbriar
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
Yea we are okay..Well for now...We dont know what is going to happen tommrow and that is what scares me the most..
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
*nods understandingly* I don't think Falconstar will go easy on him, but we can hope. -Sweetbriar
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*looks over towards his leader* I just dont want him to do worse to Treetail...its already hard enough for him that everyone knows his secret..
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
And I can't imagine that it's incredibly easy to not have his kits in his life either. *wraps her tail around her brother* We all grew up with Treetail and Raindapple so if his punishment goes too far, you won't be the only one standing up for him. -Sweetbriar

*nods* She's right. He's like our brother too. -Frecklenose
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*nuzzles his sisters* Thanks you two..always looking out for me.
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
We have to look out for each other now more than ever it seems. *looks at Applethorn's body in despair* -Frecklenose

*glances at Frecklenose* You knew about her pregnancy and her miscarriage, didn't you? -Sweetbriar

*Nods* Merryberry and I were the only ones who knew. She felt like the kits would be the only thing to give her life meaning. And then StarClan took them...They took innocent unborn kits just like they took Smokepaw all those moons ago...and now they took Apple. *stares at her sister's body* It doesn't sound like there's much of a difference between StarClan and the Dark Forest if you ask me. -Frecklenose

Don't think like that, Freckle. StarClan is keeping Apple surrounded by fellow clanmates who have passed. Those who will love and accept her just as we did. -Sweetbriar

*shakes her head, still unsure* -Frecklenose
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*takes in what Frecklenose said* I dont know Sweet...Freckle has a point..Why would Starclan let all these things happen...
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
StarClan can't control everything. They can only guide us and hope that we create a path for ourselves that will lead us back to them when it's our time to pass on. -Sweetbriar
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
Well they should at least not allow cats to bash other cats skulls in..*grumbles* Or take away unborn kits..
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
Or allow cats to die in front of their family....*sighs* I suppose you guys are right. -Sweetbriar
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*sighs and looks overe at his sisters body* Do you think they really care about us?
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
I would hope so, but sometimes I don't understand them. -Frecklenose
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
None of us do beside Merryberry..*grumbles and stretches his paws*

Pa can i play with Bloodkit?
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
I don't even know if she does at this point...Not right now...-Frecklenose

Of course, Tanglekit. -Darkmist
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
Im not going to get chased off though right? *looks up at curiously and hopefully*

But she is the medicine cat...
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
And yet they took her sister away from her...-Frecklenose

Let's go together so we can make sure of that. -Darkmist
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*purrs and nods* Okay pa! *gets to his paws waiting for him*

*flicks his tail* Thats true...they still took her away in a horrible way.
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
The absolute worst way. -Sweetbriar

*starts his way over to Bloodkit* -Darkmist
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*pads after him happily*

*looks around for Treetail* Yea...Hey have any of you seen Treetail? He was suppose to grab us something to eat..
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
I think I saw him go out by Smokepaw's grave. -Sweetbriar

Hello there Bloodkit. Would you like to play with Tanglekit? -Darkmist

Well yea! dad says the only way I can is if you give him the apology...-Bloodkit

*huffs* You kits wait here. I'll talk to him. *pads over to Skyheart* -Darkmist
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
•watches him go and looks at Bloodkit• What kind of apology?

•looks up at Darkmist• Can I help you or are you going to yell at me?

•blinks• Oh...•gets to his paws• I'll be back..•starts to pad towards the entrance of camp•
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
*rests his paw against his brother's grave, finishing a silent prayer and apology* -Treetail

I came to talk about you letting the kits play. Not yell. Talk. -Darkmist

My dad says he wants your dad to kiss his paw or something. It's weird. -Bloodkit
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
•wrinkles his nose• Why would he want that?

Oh really so you are here to apologize? •sits up•

•pads up to him• Treetail?
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
*turns to him* Sorry. I was just about to grab us a meal. -Treetail

I do apologize for the fights you and I have gotten in recently. Especially the ones we've had in front of the kits. -Darkmist

I don't know. My dad can be odd sometimes. -Bloodkit
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
Uh huh and what else? *flicks is tail*

Really odd...*wanted to say mean but remember last time he said something about her dad*

*shakes his head* No this is more important its fine. *sits down infront of him* Are you okay...?
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
I'm... all right. I'm just feeling guilty. Disappointed in myself. I'm feeling like I've let down my clan and I've let down Smokepaw. -Treetail

Are you actually expecting me to kiss your paw? -Darkmist

Oh! He said that when I'm an apprentice he'll take me to look for blood colored fish! -Bloodkit
hơn một năm qua KatieK102 said…
*lays down beside Darkmist and, remembering what Skyheart said about his half-breed kits, narrows her eyes at him* ~ Thunderkit

*winds through trees and undergrowth* "It's not much farther." ~ Berryfrost
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
*lays down beside Thunderkit and nuzzles her head* What are you glaring about, missy? -Hushpool

*pads over to Falconstar* Is there anything you need me to organize before the vigil? -Scorchgaze
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*grins raising his paw* Yes of course i am.

*nods making sure to wind his way through like she did* Must be a very secret spot.

Blood colored fish? *wrinkles his nose* Are those even real?

How would you have let Smokepaw down?

hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
I told him I'd be the best warrior to my clan I could be. And I haven't been. -Treetail

Why? -Darkmist

I hope so! That'd be so cool! -Bloodkit
hơn một năm qua KatieK102 said…
*doesn't lessen her glare* "Darkmist has half-breed kits, and dad said half-breeds are stupid," *hisses underneath her breath* ~ Thunderkit

*stops proudly in front of a meadow, where colorful flowers bloomed* "Here we are!" ~ Berryfrost

*shakes his head* "No, you're good. I don't think anyone is in the mood to hunt or patrol anyway." ~ Falconstar
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
Thunderkit your father can be a little kooky sometimes. This clan is full of "half-breeds". -Hushpool

I suppose you're right...-Scorchgaze
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*skids to a stop almost running into her* Whoa! *looks at the rows of flowers* Its splendid!

Because im a douche. Now get to it.

*licks his cheek* I think you have been doing a pretty good job..

Well if you find them then you have to show me.
hơn một năm qua KatieK102 said…
"He said that they're "pure half-breeds", because their mother is from a line of rogues." ~ Thunderkit
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
*nuzzles his head* Thank you love. I just know from now on I'll be working much harder. -Treetail

*rolls his eyes* I won't argue with that statement. *wrinkles his nose as he gives his paw a quick lick* -Darkmist

Well they won't be first generation half-breeds, that's true. But most of the clan has rouge somewhere in their bloodline. -Hushpool

Of course! I'll bring one back so we can check it out. -Bloodkit
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
I just need to know something though...*sighs* Do you want to be with your kits?

*cuffs his nose laughing* Cant believe you actually did that.

*lashes his tail playfully* Yea!
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
I want to be here in StormClan. With my family. With you. Would I have liked to raise my kits here? Of course. I would have loved to bring them up in StormClan. But they're attached to their mother and MoonClan. They belong there. -Treetail

I expect that the kits will be able to play peacefully now. *starts to pad back over to them, tail flicking irritably* -Darkmist

Here comes your dad. -Bloodkit
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
Do you think he really licked your dads paw? *looks a bit worried*

*watches him go victoriously*

*nods* Just making sure..*nuzzles his cheek* Come on lets get that meal.