stampylongnose Club
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posted by karter76
Hello stampy, I tình yêu your videos!!! I watch all your video and I am subscribed to your channel! I am 6 years old and would tình yêu to hear from you!! We tình yêu watching your video after school. We have learned so much. We tình yêu your cakes!!! bạn are the coolest!! We really really hope bạn write us back. It would make our day!!! We can't wait. Thanks for all your fun stuff!! Hope to hear from bạn soon!!! ...............:):):):):):)::):):):):);););););$:):):):):);););):):):);););):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):););

bạn are 10000000000000000000000000000000% awesome!

tình yêu Karter
 Stampy picture (if needed)
Stampy picture (if needed)
How to build a statue of Stampy

1. Build up 2 blocks with white wool for sides of feet. (paws)

2. Build across 8 blocks with white wool for hàng đầu, đầu trang of feet. (paws)

(so 2 up bởi 8 across for paws with white wool)

3. Using trái cam, màu da cam wool, go up from hàng đầu, đầu trang of paws 12 blocks.

4. from hàng đầu, đầu trang of those 12 blocks, go across 8 with orange.

(so 12 up bởi 8 across for legs, with a bit of white wool for belly)

5. For the belly, do 10 blocks up and 8 blocks wide with white wool.

6. shape out the tuft of furr on belly and fill in with white wool.

(so 10 up and 8 across for the belly.)

7. Go four blocks out with trái cam, màu da cam wool from...
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Stampy's P.O.V

*Thinking* Today I'll make a Minecraft video with my friends.....

"Hello this is Stampy, and welcome to a Minecraft lets play video! And another video inside... Stampy's Lovely World...Today we will be joined byyy...L for Lee, Squid, Amy, Longbow, Rosie, Squishy con vịt, vịt and...Ha ha! My cake that Lee is going to give me for break fast! Now, I would like my break fast when I wake up so let's go over to Lee's painting." *Only can see Lee's nose* "Um...Lee? Where has your body gone? Ha ha! *Lee gets out* Now Lee, I'm having a late break fast and that means I have to have brunch!" *Lee...
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posted by CheetahGirl5147
Dear Stampy,
I know bạn will probably not see this but if bạn do then I want to let bạn know that I am a cat too.And bạn are the best Youtuber ever.I can't explain how much I like your videos. I go crazy when I wait for bạn to đăng tải them. I will subscribe to bạn when I get my Youtube channel ^w^.*INFORMATION* I met bạn when I was watching Minecraft video and I saw your channel I clicked on it and watched forever in till night. I have watched all your video so far on Your Lovely World (Minecraft and other Minecraft series and other ngẫu nhiên video of Minecraft),Your Wonderful World (Terraria),Doki...
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posted by Goddesslord
 Crafting room :D
Crafting room :D
I made a Replica of your world and I thought could bạn please put some of these pictures on your videos? I have spent days on this!! I have watched all your videos, Subscribed to your channels and made người hâm mộ fictions. I would tình yêu to help and see bạn on minecraft. Hope I can see bạn and hope bạn enjoy these pictures!

 tình yêu garden
Love garden
 Secret cake room :)
Secret cake room :)
posted by stampylover2025
cỏ khô, hay Stamps

Im stampylover2025 I called my self that because I think bạn are amazing! Do bạn know tntman because he đã đưa ý kiến to me that bạn đã đưa ý kiến to him hi tntman.

bye Stamps

p.s I am a người hâm mộ of bạn and I have watched about a million of your vidios with and with out tntman.
posted by amberkinzee
bạn know you're a Stampy người hâm mộ if......
1. pronounce the word LOL – Liên minh huyền thoại "lol"
2. bạn subscribe to both of Stampy's channels, and all of his friends
3. (if not already British) bạn speak in an accent at ngẫu nhiên times of the day
4. "lovely jublly" is now an adjective that bạn use regularly.
5. bạn call hoa hồng lovely jublly tình yêu tình yêu petals and dandelions sunkiss.
6. bạn have a sudden craving for cake
7. your giant creeper now has a hàng đầu, đầu trang hat
8. bạn tình yêu cats
9. bạn made at least 5 người hâm mộ art, 4 poems, 3 songs, 2 cakes and 1 video for Stampy
10. bạn call Stampy "Stamps"
11. bạn are in his tình yêu garden (and if not, bạn are desperately trying to get in)
12. bạn named your dog (real life hoặc Minecraft) after one of Stampy's Minecraft dogs.
13. bạn watched all of his video even if bạn don't play half of those games (or heard of them)
14. bạn downloaded Stampy's Lovely World empty map
15. bạn learned a bunch of ngẫu nhiên stuff bạn never knew about before.
posted by CheetahGirl5147
Dear Stampy,
I know bạn will probably not see this but if bạn do then I want to let bạn know that I am a cat too.And bạn are the best youtuber ever.I can't explain how much I like your videos.I go crazy when I wait for bạn to đăng tải them.I will subscribe to bạn when I get my Youtube channel ^w^.*INFORMATION* I met bạn when I was watching Minecraft video and I saw your channel I clicked on it and watched forever in till night.I have watched all your video so far on Your Lovely World(Minecraft and other Minecraft series and other ngẫu nhiên video of Minecraft),Your Wonderful World (Terraria),Doki...
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posted by TailsFoxyPlays
One ngày when Tails was flying through an unknown world he came across a figure that was well, a cat! he was boarding a ship (the SS Stampy ride for the first time) and stalked him for quite some time like his stuffed counterpart, Tails Doll. After a Minecraft năm (135 Minecraft days) he finally went to meet him. He decided he would introduce himself. While walking in the city, Tails bumped in to him, litterally.

Stampy: Oh, hi! Who are you?

Tails: I'm Miles, but bạn can call me Tails

Stampy: Okay, wait are bạn the one who travels with THE Sonic the Hedgehog?

Tails: Yes.

Stampy: *faints then wakes up 3 giây after* I'm your no. 1 fan!!!

Tails: I know I even have people that tattoo an image of me into their body, but thats downright idolisim

Stampy: I know. Thats bad, really bad. Say are bạn familiar with this place?

Tails: No.

yeah this is my world and these are my friends: Lee, Amy Lee, Squid and Squashey.

To be continued...
stampy if bạn see this i am your bigest người hâm mộ in the world i watched 13 of your lovely world video's
i watched all of your hungergames i realy
want to play mc whith bạn but sadly i do not play
mc on Xbox i play on computer if bạn do sometimes plz tell me loooking phía trước, chuyển tiếp to playing whith you

P.S i play a server on MC its called ImDeity Kindom if bạn play on computer tell me so i can tell bạn the server name and address oh my name in Minecraft is LonnieDS it stands for Lonnie Death Slayer
posted by Horse6702
Dear stampy cat,
bạn probably won't see this but I have watched all but 10 of your video and i think that i am your biggest người hâm mộ in the whole world and i watch all your video the moment bạn post them on Youtube and i hope bạn will add me to your tình yêu garden because that would mean so much to me and it would prove to my mom that bạn really care about your những người hâm mộ and that bạn listen to us the people out there.we watch your video every day
for hours at a time and this is from me and my sister and we only stop to eat bữa tối, bữa ăn tối and shower
we watch it all night if we want to but we usually do so if bạn see this then i hope bạn consider
from:abby and rylee