Spiritclan Club
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Three mèo paced toward the Spirit cây at the edge of their territory. It lay on their border with other Clans and mèo went their to communicate with StarClan. In the lead was Petalbreeze, the medicine cat, behind her were the figures of Spiritstar, and her deputy Sandstorm. Petalbreeze stopped the mèo with a flick of her tail as she reached the Spirit Tree. She mùi, nấu chảy ra the air.
"Another Clan are here." she announced, settling herself down on a nearby rock.
Spiritstar sighed. "We'll have to wait then."
Both mèo looked at Sandstorm, as if to see her reaction. She had an obvious look of hatred...
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added by ScottishChic
added by orkneymatrix
added by ScottishChic
added by StichxAngel4eva
Source: Kitty-wolf (deviantart)
added by ScottishChic
added by ScottishChic
added by ScottishChic
posted by orkneymatrix
There was a cool chill in SpiritClan territory. As the lông, lông thú on some kits' ruffles in the breeze. The five lifeless bodies of kits lay on the forest floor. The sixth let out what could be her last breath over and over. Suddenly, leader of SpiritClan, Greenstar stepped out of the bush.
"So this is the kit destined to lead the Clan one day?" she sighed. She hadn't expected a small skinny scrap like this one. The kit's pelt was a sandy colour, like sand. "You are due to be someone's successor, young one." she nosed the kit. "Maybe not mine, but someone's." she picked the kit up bởi the scruff of the...
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posted by orkneymatrix
Hi, your deputy, Sandstorm here. I thought I should share this with you. It may sound like a story to you, but it's true and I was the sad victim.

I walked up the long path to SpiritClan territory. I was young, only an apprentice, Sandpaw. But I wasn't alone. tiếp theo to me was my all so trusty best friend, Blackpaw. We were just heading back after a meaningless hunting trip, although we had been told in the past to always bring an adult. To the younger members of the Clan, this will prove useful to know this story. We heard a rustle in the bushes, and almost immediately Blackpaw had disappeared....
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added by ScottishChic
added by ScottishChic
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by ScottishChic
added by orkneymatrix
added by vampirefreak_26
added by Bluefire7777