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sonic&blaze Câu Hỏi

I heard that silver is with blaze is it true?

 shadow--2222 posted hơn một năm qua
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sonic&blaze Các Câu Trả Lời

Vela-Nova said:
No. In fact there are no official couples in Sonic games.
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blazeisbeast said:
gosh its friken sonaze now stop makin here sound like a hoho
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COFblaze said:
no blaze isnt with silver she ATM with no one
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frylock243 said:
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sonicguy said:
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actuly it makes sense but it makes me mad im not happy about it sonic guy then why did bạn tham gia this club bạn dop
cedbob posted hơn một năm qua
MarioLuigi25 said:
Well, they aren't an official couple. Some people seem to think that they likem each other though.
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spaztasticcorn said:
i don't think so because the events of sonic 06 never happened
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sonicxblaze999 said:
they are Những người bạn not in tình yêu blaze is with sonic
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 they are Những người bạn not in tình yêu blaze is with sonic
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battlekukuxiv said:
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Mardiculosity03 said:
No cuz silvaze sounds gay so it wud neva happen. There. Case closed.
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cedbob said:
what no way silvaze is a crazy name sonaze sounds
cool hoặc is it? i dont like silver with blaze i like sonic and blaze silvaze makes me mad aaaaarrg
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 what no way silvaze is a crazy name sonaze sounds cool hoặc is it? i dont like silver with blaze i like sonic and blaze silvaze makes me mad aaaaarrg
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Rad_Dudesman said:
No, they don't even know each other anymore
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