A hug is like a boomerang - bạn get it back right away.
A hoa may die, the sun may set,but a friend like bạn ill never forget, your name is precious, it will never grow old,its engraved in my tim, trái tim with letters of gold.
Friendship is not a big thing. Its a million little things.
Những người bạn are kisses blown to us bởi angels!
A friend is someone who knows the song in your tim, trái tim and can sing it back to bạn when bạn have forgotten the words
A friend is someone who knows the song in your tim, trái tim and can sing it back to bạn when bạn have forgotten the words
Soleen bạn are are ma fantastic friend
i tình yêu bạn so much
bạn make me crazy about you
I´m here for ya every minute& một giây for ya
bạn are my sunflower mwaaaaaaaaah