Sims 4 Club
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posted by diamondring4
I think that over the years, the Sims has definitely gone through many stages of development and I do credit the creators for trying new things and experimenting, however I’ve seen a lot of rage bởi some players about what the game may be lacking and I have been desperate to give my opinion on what the Sims 4 should have to offer. Below is an unsorted danh sách of things I have thought about being present in the Sims 4.

Considering the advancement in gaming over the years I really believe that with a little push, the Sims 4 could be THEE biggest, most involved and consuming game yet. With abilities...
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The sims 3 is absolutely terrible, and completely ruined the sims experience for me. I was expecting an improved version of sims 2, but what I got was a complete mess. I can no longer tell stories because there is no storytelling mode in-game, and because there is only one saved game allowed per neighbourhood, so gone are the days of playing several families at once. At first I was happy to be able to visit other sims' houses and have my sim's workplace right there in town, but with my sims all over town, I can't watch the whole family without zooming all over the neighbourhood. Instead of...
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I havent seen this challenge anywhere, so i decided to post it.

SIms 4: Living with Monsters, is a challenge i have come up with.
Here it is:

bạn play as a female sim, 100% your creation, but here's the catch.
bạn are living with 7 guys, each one is Required to have the Slob trait.
bạn CANNOT control them, other then choosing their jobs.
The female Sim cannot have a job that requires her to leave the house (ex. Police woman/nurse)
your sim must survive with these men, until she either
1. get's married and moves out
2. Marries one of the 'Monsters'
3. hoặc dies of old age.

bạn are allowed to thiết kế the house anyway bạn want it, with money cheats, but once your done with the house, NO CHEATS.

bạn can make a Youtube series and post it in the comments, hoặc just play for fun. (But i wouldnt mind seeing it ;3 )
Good luck, Survive as long as bạn can.