Sewing What Are Bạn Working On??

dlyteful posted on Sep 03, 2007 at 08:12PM
the joann's near my house is having a great sale for labor day. so i got a cute skirt pattern (mccall's 5184) and black crepe to make a really cute fall skirt.
also picked up some material and pattern to make my lil cousins (girls ages 2 and 4) some pjs for the fall/winter.

what are you working on??

Sewing 6 các câu trả lời

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hơn một năm qua greekthegeek said…
atm i'm focusing small....(newbie here)

so i make pillows :D!
hơn một năm qua martemora15 said…
I'm also on a skirt! ^-^ (...on hold...)
hơn một năm qua mic_egan94 said…
big smile
I'm making a hoodie!
hơn một năm qua icewolf10 said…
I'm making a small stuffed animal
hơn một năm qua thomlina said…
I'm making a Gothic Loltia dress with many bows and lots of lace!
hơn một năm qua hetalia4thewin said…
i'm in the middle of making three custom made dresses that people are buying from me, a ball gown for a cosplay, and then soon i'll be starting on a matador spain cosplay for me along with two more cosplays for friends of mine