Severus Snape Club
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posted by rakshasa
1)Discipline your mind!

2)How touchingly paternal, Black. Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon, just like his godfather!

3)Do I detect a flicker of fear? Ah, yes. The Dementor's Kiss. One can only imagine what that must be like to endure. It's đã đưa ý kiến to be nearly unbearable to witness, but I'll do my best.

4)Which one of bạn can tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf?

5)How extraordinarily like your father bạn are Potter, he too was exceedingly arrogant, strutting about the castle.

6)For your information Potter, Asphodel and Wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is...
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posted by BlackHound
This is not directed at anyone; if bạn take it that way, that's your choice. I'm dealing with some heavy shit right now, I Mất tích a loved one last week, and I just need to vent, and this is as good a place and topic as any.

Again, this isn't aimed at anyone. If you're sensitive, don't read it. If bạn do and get bent, well, bạn were warned.


I think Severus was smart enough to realize that Lily didn't tình yêu him, but they were friends, first and foremost, and he loved her. It's his tình yêu for her, regardless of how she felt about him, and his guilt over her death that drove him. How many of us...
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I didn't write this. I found it link

I don't know if you've noticed, but a healthy percentage of the otherwise perfectly sane women in this country have gone into heat over Snape.

Snape, for those of bạn have been living under a toadstool and aren't familiar with him, is the baddie wizard in the Harry Potter series. He's the surly Potions Master, and his primary function is to look puckery and to simmer with barely-contained hatred everytime he sees Harry Potter.

Sexy Snape is played in the film bởi Alan Rickman. Since I live with a horny Alan Rickman fan, I'm already aware that AR has a devoted...
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posted by lilyZ
Y've never loved someone but you!
I want to say these words,
Yet knowing, bạn won't hear me...

Far and high bạn live your life,
I'll never be there,
My place is not with you.
I'm sure; bạn loved, she was in tình yêu with you,
She was the one I cannot be to you.

Forever bạn will be my dream.
I know this hurts me, but bạn see...
I cannot change my destiny,
And even if I'll try,
I'll never reach the sky I don't belong to.

You, maybe you'll meet me,
Just one thêm stranger in your life
Who passes bởi on a cold night.

bạn cannot tình yêu someone like me, I understand...
Without your love, my empty tim, trái tim
Is always haunted bởi your shadow!

Alone and sad, bạn seem sometimes to be,
But, no, inspite of time and không gian between,
I'll always be the one that's near
Your broken heart's - my destiny.
Chapter Two – The Good and The Bad

Severus Snape was a man who greatly enjoyed privacy. His house, Spinner’s End, was in the middle of nowhere – away from prying eyes and nosy, gossiping neighbors. His black curtains were nearly always drawn; on the off chance that someone came strolling by. There were very few lights on and the doors were always locked – even when he was inside the house. Some might call it paranoia, but in Severus’ line of work, one could not be too careful.

Today was a particularly good ngày for Severus. Both Dumbledore and the Dark Lord had indicated that they were...
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Chapter 1

Harry, Ron and Hermione had come back to the boys’ dorms. Harry had laid himself on his giường while Ron was holding Hermione tight on his own bed. The curtains of their beds were open so they could see each other. But they remain silent. Harry had called Kreacher for something to eat for them all.

They ate in silence. All the memories came back to Harry – including those of Snape. Suddenly, he rose from his bed. “Snape !” he đã đưa ý kiến loud.

“What ?” Ron asked. “What about him ? He’s dead…”

“Yes, he’s dead and he’s still in the Shrieking Shack !” He watched Ron and...
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posted by lilysev1134e
Chapter 1: Severus Snape

Our story begins in a small town called Spinners End. It was late Spring and no-one was around except for three children. They were in a nearby park when something happened. Two of the three children were in the park enjoying themselves. Their names were cây dạ yên thảo, petunia and Lily Evans. Their hair was brightly coloured. The third child was hiding behind some bushes. He had shoulder length hair which looked greasy. His name was Severus Snape.
Severus watched them for ages especially Lily. Severus suddenly found her pretty. Her hair was red the colour of blood. That intrigued...
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The quả bí ngô, bí ngô nước ép, nước trái cây was spilled all over Severus Snape's face, and some managed to dribble into his jet black hair (which in Lilly's opionion, wasn't greasy but thêm silky). His clothes were too big, and hung over him, like drapery on a curtain rod. "Sev," Lilly Evans hissed across the table, "there's some nước ép, nước trái cây in your hair." He flushed a shade of scarlet, embarassed at the thought of how rediculous he must look. He grabbed a cloth napkin off the table, and seemingly scrubbed his face, as if rubbing it harder would make James Potter's laughter stop. Lilly caught Severus's hand. "You shouldn't...
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Chapter 2

Once Hermione was finished with cleaning Snape’s face, they decided to bring him back to the lâu đài for a proper burial. They could not let him there, abandoning him like this after all he had done for them. He still had his black school quần áo, áo choàng on. They wrapped him in carefully, feeling respect for him like they had never felt before. Hermione took the Potions Master’s wand with her, putting it in her sleeve.

With a Levitation Charm, they brought him back to the castle, but not through the secret passageway this time. It would take thêm time but it would be easier and thêm dignified...
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Chapter 6

Later in the day, Harry, Ron and Hermione came back to Professor Snape’s grave. They remained silent for a moment. Then Harry took a book out from under his robes. “I found it back in the Room of Requirement.” He showed the ‘Advanced Potion Making’ textbook that had belonged to the Half-Blood Prince, and which had been a trusty companion during his sixth year. “Despite the Fyendfire Crabbe has cast in there, the book has been spared. I guess it was protected in that cabinet where I had put it,” he explained. “Poor Snape… He was not even the master of the Elder Wand....
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link and I saw something similar at the link, and we just had to get a danh sách together for Severus as well

1) Take Sirius to the vet to get him neutered.
2) Take Remus to the vet to get him neutered.
3) Hit Sirius with a newspaper on his nose and say “Bad dog!” just because bạn feel like it.
4) Introduce Dumbledore's leg to Sirius' new girlfriends as Sirius' ex.
5) Pretend to throw a frisby around Sirius...or Remus (it wastes a lot of their valuable time trying to retrieve a non existent object)
6) Stop with the conspiracy theories and telling everyone Cedric Diggory is “still walking around,...
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It didn't take long for everyone at Hogwarts to find out that Severus Snape and Lily Evans were now an item. They seemed to be attatched to each other like glue. Lily clung to Severus's arm at all times, and it seemed that in light of gần đây events Snape had decided to wash his hair, taking away the greasy look everyone had come to know so well. Severus smiled down at Lily, her cheeks a rosey red, the perfect shade to match her hair. They made their way outside, in the deserted corridors, they walked near the whomping willow and Severus brought them to a stop. He pulled away from Lily and faced...
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When his eyes finally opened, it was dusk outside, and an abormal heavy presence was on his chest. His dark eyes shifted down, the darkness of the room making it hard to focus; but there, sleeping right over his tim, trái tim was Lily Evans. He swallowed, hoping that the pounding of his tim, trái tim wouldn't wake her. He cleared his throat, the area where the potion had slid down his asophagus felt raw, and irritated. Severus glanced around, he was the only one in the hospital this early in the year, and figured that he was the only one with such bad luck. His eyes closed, shutting the surrounding world out,...
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Chapter Three

The Slytherin common room had been a horrid place for Severus to be the last week of school. He, Avery, and Crabbe had been được trao detention every night with Slughorn. Severus wasn't sure what Avery and Crabbe's punishment had been – Slughorn had been adamant about keeping them all separated as much as possible – but, judging bởi the nasty looks and cheap shots Avery had been throwing, it couldn't have been anything good. Luckily, he was never hit where it showed, so there had been no awkward các câu hỏi from Lily and no interrogations from Slughorn who, as far as Severus could...
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posted by DaisyHalliwell

Heart over Mind bởi Regann
Link: link
Summary: Something odd about Hermione causes her to have unexpected reaction to a tình yêu potion. Only it's one which no one expected. How could a lack of reaction cause so much trouble?
Length 27 chapters - COMPLETED

His True ngọc lục bảo Loyalties bởi Avanel
Link: link
Summary: What if it was not tình yêu for Harry's mother that kept Snape loyal to Dumbledore? What if it was tình yêu for Harry's time-traveling best friend?
Length: 8 chapters -COMPLETED

The First Faint Glimmer bởi Ladymage Samiko
Link: link
Summary: A little light đọc and a chance bình luận lead...
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Chapter 5

Fred Weasley was buried in the afternoon. Harry and Hermione went with the Weasleys as they were considered part of the family. On the ngày after, Ron, Hermione and Harry, and the remaining members of the Order of the Phoenix, came back to Hogwarts to bury one of their fellows, Professor Severus Snape. A few students were there too, as well as the faculty and staff. The three Malfoys were there too, to Harry’s surprise.

A few yards from Dumbledore’s tomb, a hole had been dig to receive Severus Snape’s body. Hermione had decided to remain with Eileen Snape, who welcomed her gladly,...
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Whoo! Two chapters in one week! I'm so proud of myself ^^
Chapter Eight
October 29 1977

“It’s just strange, is all,” Severus đã đưa ý kiến cautiously, avoiding Lily’s eyes as he perused the bookshelf. “I mean, Potter hasn’t đã đưa ý kiến two words to bạn so far this year. It’s not like him. What’s he up to?”

Lily chuckled and the sound sent chills up Severus’ spine. Despite his desperate attempts (and despite her claim at the end of fifth năm that she didn’t have romantic feelings for him),...
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xin chào guys.. i wrote this a night ago.. hope you'll like it..
Its something that Severus would probably thought when he remembers lily..

There were times that i cant help myself,
Every moment im alone I think of you..
there were also times that i wonder,
Are bạn thinking of me too?

From the moment you're gone
There's no reason to cry..
The feelings i try so hard to hide,
Still my heart, deep inside it finds..

I'll wish to the stars
once thêm you'll tình yêu me..
I'll wish though it darkens
my only way to you..

Your memories that's faded..
Will i only embrace in heaven?
It makes me wonder where bạn are..
It makes...
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Throughout the entire Harry Potter series it is đã đưa ý kiến that Severus Snape is loyal to Dumbledore, but is Severus truly loyal to him? And does Dumbledore deserve that loyalty.

    I know a number of Potter những người hâm mộ that will agree when I say that, even with all of his flaws, Severus Snape is a substantially loyal character. He remains loyal to Lily Evans-Potter, long after she dismisses him as a friend, and long after she has declared her tình yêu for another. He remains loyal to Albus Dumbledore despite the danger he willingly puts him through , seemingly without caring for the outcome....
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Chapter 3

Hermione wanted to be left alone. She needed time to digest all the events of the last days. So she remained with the only person that would never speak to her anymore. Professor Severus Snape. She would not miss his scathing remarks, but she would surely miss his deep, silky voice.

He was peaceful now and she truly wished he had found peace at least. She was caressing his face gently, marveled bởi the softness of his raven hair, when she heard someone entering the room. She turned her head and saw a woman that looked familiar to her, coming to her.

Hermione gasped. She recognized the...
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