Sasuke and Naruto Club
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posted by mai3uchiha
I realize the screamin' pain
Hearin' loud in my brain
But then I'm goin' straight ahead ith this scar

I should just get over it
I should stop feeling it
And so I covered my grazed heart
I don't care if I'm hurt
Because i don't feel pain anymore
All while bạn limped on,
dragging your feet behind you
I had Mất tích sight of myself
which had crumbled loudly in the ground
But then i realized
It was just the sound of the wind . . .

I came to tell bạn something
Following my deep scars
before I am completely crushed bởi his vast world
Do bạn remember it?
That sky of tears
That pain protected bạn for me
Your pain is always protecting you
Can bạn Hear me, So Am I