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Rock Lee Who's the best for Lee?

11 fans picked:
Tenten ^.^
Tenten ^.^
Sakura. & lt; 3
Sakura. <3
Hinata. /.\
Hinata. /.\
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 suzyisbrute posted hơn một năm qua
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Tenten ^.^
ImAnEasel picked Tenten ^.^:
Hinata is lovely, but her and Lee hardly ever talk to each other and Hinata is head-over-heels in love with Naruto. Sakura is a bitch - Lee is far too good for her. Besides, Sakura is still (for some reason) infatuated with Sasuke. On the other hand, Tenten and Lee know each other well. I think Tenten USED to be in love with Neji, but gradually her affections shifted. Look at the way she blushed and smiled during their training. I love Neji, he's an awesome character, but... Nobody can deny the fact that Tenten simply has more FUN with Lee. If you look at all the filler episodes, compare the time she spends with Neji to the time she spends with Lee; when she is with Neji, she is usually talking, or resting. When she is with Lee, they are usually on some kind of wild adventure! They're often stuck to the ceiling, or sneaking around inside a barrel, or something exciting like that. I think the two are great for each other.
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Tenten ^.^
suzyisbrute picked Tenten ^.^:
Not to mention Neji has sadly departed from us :( I do think however Tenten has liked Lee for a while I no offence don't understand how you thought she was in love with him. If you look at the filler in Shippuden called "Tsunade Is My Hero." Tenten is upset because she can't preform medical Ninjutsu so she took it out on Lee (thats why she said he could never beat Neji not because she likes Neji.) Either way I do concur about her having more fun with Lee I mean he is Lee after all XD
posted hơn một năm qua.
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Tenten ^.^
ImAnEasel picked Tenten ^.^:
^ No offence taken! :) Yes, that's also what I thought about Neji passing away. :'( Though I don't like to post comments with manga spoilers, in case anyone who hasn't read the manga (like me, though I just happen to have already had that spoiler about Neji) reads them. Also, when I said Tenten's affections had shifted from Neji to Lee, I think I meant after that event. Also, people who like eachother are capable of getting angry with each other.
posted hơn một năm qua.
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Tenten ^.^
suzyisbrute picked Tenten ^.^:
Very true very true.
posted hơn một năm qua.