Eh....I think they were trying to hiển thị Raven as a normal girl, obsessing over a show. Quite frankly, I think Raven is a boss for being a brony! xD Teen Titans Go is thêm for comical effect, so that's probably why they hiển thị her playing with unicorn toys.hơn một năm qua
Yes, I think Cartoon Network made Raven look stupid bởi having her play with unicorn toys. MLP is stupid, in my opinion, and to make the dark character go for that hiển thị is contradictary of her actual character.hơn một năm qua
I know t was a quote from that episode with that mummy guy ans that dragon... wizard thing.... if that guy wasnt evil do bạn think him and raven wouldnt of been a cool couple?hơn một năm qua
me its raven, then robin (cuz he's funny when he goes Chibi with that mask XD) then cyborg, BB and starfire (she's a moron, but she's so freaking funny when she says the wrong thing)hơn một năm qua