Rats Club
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added by zombiegirl
Source: Amy LaVey
added by NocKairu
added by Mr_Rattitude
Source: Mr.Rattitude@Rattitude.com
added by greenchickadee
added by boxerbaby
Source: me
added by irishratgirl
added by greenchickadee
added by glelsey
Source: BRB Internacional
added by katiegleek
Source: Me
added by boxerbaby
Source: me
posted by 18wanda
As bạn probably know, I have six rats right now. Well, the five baby rats are no longer little 2 ounce babies. They are just about full grown. They have an enormous bungalow that is taller than me, and could easily house 10 rats! They have all the room they could wish for. We spoil them rotten with đậu phụng, đậu phộng bơ sandwiches and a buffet of brocolli and cheese cubes. They are doing well, and all seem to get along fine. They are SO cute and live bởi the cage door, wanting out. I just felt like updating on how the rats are doing if bạn have heard of them from other các bình luận and forums. :)
added by greenchickadee
Mars recently funded a deadly experiment on rats to determine the effects of Sô cô la ingredients on their blood vessels. Experimenters force-fed the rats bởi shoving plastic tubes down their throats and then cut open the rats' legs to expose an artery, which was clamped shut to block blood flow. After the experiment, the động vật were killed. Mars has also funded cruel experiments in which mice were fed a kẹo ingredient and forced to swim in a pool of a water mixed with white paint. The mice had to find a hidden platform to avoid drowning, only to be killed and dissected later on. In yet...
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added by gardengirl
Source: gardengirl
added by gardengirl
Source: Lisa Colver (gardengirl)
added by Katreader
Source: Katreader
added by gardengirl
Source: gardengirl
added by glelsey
Source: BsnSCB.com
added by glelsey
Source: Savanna Matson
added by glelsey
Source: Savanna Matson