Black Night
This is a story about a group of Những người bạn Remy and Emille(Ratatouille),Pinky and Brain(Pinky and the Brain), Colleen(Pinky and the Brain), Buck, Crash and Eddie and Scratte (Sara) (Ice Age 3) who go on a trip to a
Remote lều, cabin in the woods. Not knowing that something else is
Watching them. Something that feeds on their fear. This is my first horror book. Enjoy!!!
Chapter 1: Road trip:
A Jeep is driving down the road with a Cadillac following it. In the jeep are 4 Những người bạn (Pinky, Brain, Sara, and Buck). In the Cadillac are 5 Những người bạn (Remy, Emille, Colleen, Crash and Eddie). The friends...
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