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I got this off an e-mail from a friend, so this is not mine and I take no claim in it. Please don't do these things in real life, it's just for fun and a good laugh. And if bạn do do these things (number 4 fo example), than I'm sorry but you're really dumb.



6 Ways On How To Deal With cá mập Attacks:

thêm than 99% of cá mập attacks happen in large watermasses- also know as oceans. An easy way to tell if bạn are in an ocean is to taste the water- it will taste like salt.

Make sure that there are always fat people in the water with you. Odds are that bạn can swim faster than them- increasing your chances of escape.

Replace the sunblock of the person tiếp theo to bạn with BBQ rib sauce.

As soon as bạn spot a shark- furiously stab the person tiếp theo to you. As soon as he is bleeding proufusely- swim away as fast as bạn can.

Every cá mập has a theme song. If bạn here the following- swim for your life: da-dam. da-dam. da-dam if it's fast like this: dadam, dadam, dadam- give up -you are already screwed.

Stay calm if a cá mập has got you. At this late stage bạn are screwed in any case- survival is not an option... The people on the bờ biển, bãi biển do not appreciate someone screaming & shouting like a lunatic- it just isn't pleasant -think of the children damnit!

Happy swimming! :D
posted by ShadowFan100
Shadowfan here!

In case bạn all didn't know, today is my birthday. (Well, when i wrote this, it was still Aug 13th, now it's the 14th) 25 years cách đây today, I made my way into this fascinating, yet dark and mysterious world we call: Earth. Over the years, I have learned a lot about the world around me. I've learn that there is not only evil here, but also good--even when it seems so Mất tích and buried. Now, although today was a pretty good birthday, I'd like to take a moment out of this ngày to talk about someone I know. Someone that left me too soon.

I don't talk about him much, but now I think it's...
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added by 3xZ
My fav. Taylor song is Chuyện thần tiên ở New York and this song always reminds me of my best frnd flightFlora.
This bài viết is dedicated 2 her:

Lyric: "There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place
Walls of insincerity"

This reminds me of the ngày when i entered my new classroom, looking here and there and passing smiles. And i was searching 4 a frnd of mine who was not there anymore.

Lyric: "Shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you
Your eyes whispered "have we met?
Across the room your silhouette starts to make it's...
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added by BlindBandit92
"Break Your Heart"

Whoa whoa

Now listen to me baby
Before I tình yêu and leave you
They call me tim, trái tim breaker
I don't wanna deceive you

If bạn fall for me
I'm not easy to please
I might tear bạn apart
Told bạn from the start,
Baby from the start.

I'm only gonna break, break your, break, break your heart. [4x]

Whoa whoa

There's no point trying to hide it
No point trying to evade it
I know I got a problem
Problem with misbehaving


I'm only gonna break, break your, break, break your heart. [4x]

Whoa whoa [2x]

And I know karma's gonna get me back for being so cold
Like a big bad chó sói, sói I'm born to be bad and bad to the bone
If bạn fall for me I'm only gonna tear bạn apart
Told ya from the start.

I'm only gonna break, break your, break, break your heart. [4x]

Whoa whoa whoa.... [4x]
Fun Part! :D

1. UPGRADES! ^___^

2. Awesome music!

3. A good story!

4. Different powers/weapons!

5. BOSS. FIGHTS. ALL OF MY YES! ^__________^

6. A giant awesome hub world that is easy to navigate!

7. Humor, put some jokes in your games! Even if it's not punny at all. (:D)

8. Choices for different characters/ships/cars/etc.

9. That one epic bad-ass character.

10. Interesting new mechanics!

11. An incredibly satisfying final boss fight.

12. A good challenge that isn't too hard hoặc too easy in the game you're playing!

13. Special Moves that are actually EASY to perform!

14. Moe. :D

15. Power-Ups! ngọn lửa, chữa cháy hoa EVERYTHING...
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 This poem is absolutely beautiful.
This poem is absolutely beautiful.
Hello everyone, Jared here once again back with another EPIC list! ^__^ Audience: Whoo! *Clap Clap Clap* Yeah!

Me: Thanks so much! ^___^ And no autographs!
Me: *Wakes up* AW COME ON! :(

SO yeah, we've all had dreams. Whether good, bad, somewhat strange, hoặc JUST A BLACK SCREEN, X___X Dreams are fascinating. They take us to a new world and let us explore our fantasies, as well as our imagination!

Unless bạn get the previously mentioned black screen of death dream, which sadly happens 80% of the time.


But being serious, we've ALL had those few amazing dreams that make us wish we lived...
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What is it about fecundity that so appalls? Is it that with nature's bounty goes a crushing waste that threatens our own cheap lives?

by Annie Dillard
wakened myself last night with my own shouting. It must have been that terrible yellow plant I saw pushing through the flood-damp soil near the log bởi Tinker Creek, the plant as fleshy and featureless as a slug, that erupted through the floor of my brain as I slept, and burgeoned into the dream of fecundity that woke me up.

I was watching two huge luna moths mate. Luna moths are those fragile ghost moths, fairy moths, whose five-inch wings are...
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posted by Tanjiabo273
Kisshia - Kisshia is thêm into fashion, she hates sports, but Kisshia is a Young 14 năm old born in Paris, Kisshia is always a friend of Johannah
Susie - a young Ukrainian girl who is well almost the oldest, but Susie is a girl who is thêm into the boys a little, Susie likes to have aroung a young girl named Sassy
Nikky - Nikky is the one who is velvet, and always open minded, Nikky is a young Tuvaluan/Australian girl born in Tuvalu
Brian - Brian is Saudi Arabian And American, Brian is mostly called "BRITISH BRIAN" because he has a British Voice
Ryan - Ryan is Qatari and English, Ryan is the...
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Why do so many people use Facebook? Well for one, I think that so many people use it because of
persuading. There are millions of videos, posts peoples opinions,so people would want to see all of them. Facebook can also persuade bạn to make an account, because bạn may want to bình luận your opinion on something, but need to make a thông tin các nhân to do that. It's like Facebook combines all of the được ưa chuộng types of websites such as: Gaming websites,video websites(Youtube),and sites like Fanpop! Facebook is a persuading brainwashing site that I
do not recommend going to. Facebook CAN attract anyone. Facebook is sort-of like some businesses. For example: Have bạn ever walked into a grocery store and noticed deals bạn think are better like 5.00 for 1 can each of tuna, but only 20.00 for a four-set container with four cans of the same exact tuna? Well yes, that's sort-of what Facebook does. ©2014Tailsfan99(Fanpop),all rights reserved.
added by Mollymolata
As soon as I drop the tiêu đề of this Blond Lion Blog, many people will have a thảo luận whether hoặc not this movie should be made.

And my opinion is that yes, a movie should be made. But why? Well, I think that it could bring in a much bigger audience than just the Otaku community. Also, it would provide young girls with role models, and probably would open the gate for other Live Action anime movies, such as Fairy Tail and Sailor Moon.

But who should head such a project? Micheal Bay. Now when I drop the name Micheal Bay, everyone either facepalms hoặc flames. But Micheal vịnh, bay would make the action scenes even better! And Micheal vịnh, bay would make it thêm understandable for an international audience.

What do bạn think? Should they make a Madoka Magica live action movie? If so, who should direct the movie?

Thanks for Reading!
added by Foxy-grandpa
posted by dreamcatcher321
Let me tell bạn who i am. Why I'm here.

I believe i was born for artistic purposes. There was a point in my life where I was about to give up. I would stay up in my giường all night and write suicide notes. Highschool wasn't doing shit for me.

But then, I opened my eyes and saw something beautiful, a chance to make things right. to make my mother proud.

My brother is in college. Art college. He is studying game effects. He was my rolemodel in the art department, even though he's bully me in his free time. I would admire his drawings he'd make. He was a huge Dragon Ball nerd, and he's always be trying...
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added by Mollymolata
ok.. So I know the part1 was hilarious for MOST of bạn guys, but it's ok... But I'm still a little freaked out, cuz it's like I don't wanna unfriend/block the fangirl cuz it's kinda rude for me... So I didn't. Anywaysss... Here's part two of our conv.

(I logged in... and suddenly..)
Fangirl: Heeyyy!!! Zack :D why did bạn logged out last time, aaww I felt bad :"< but it's ok cuz you're back now :D
Me: ...yeAh, "nice" seeing bạn again too... I guess?
Fangirl: Aww hihi, so ok back to what I đã đưa ý kiến last time.. So the time when we'll get married, we're gonna have kiddieess!! :D
Me: K-k-kiddies?? ._....
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Copy and pasted from: link


I really mean it! What would bạn be able to do if SOPA/TPP censors the internet? What would bạn be able to do if nghề viết văn fanfics and drawing fanarts become illegal? What would bạn do if it's illegal to do a cover of your yêu thích song on YouTube? What would bạn do if downloading things from the internet (music, movies, TV episodes, etc) became illegal? What would bạn do if SOPA/TPP wins the war and takes away internet freedom? Net Neutrality is already dead so far, we can't risk the freedom of internet from getting killed bởi SOPA/TPP!...
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posted by tamore
 ya know I needed this dumb lil eagle n flag somewhere
ya know I needed this dumb lil eagle n flag somewhere
I fucking tình yêu America.

Yeah, that’s right, I tình yêu it. In a time when it’s oh so trendy to hate society and all this country’s flaws, I tình yêu the United States of America.

And yes, I do acknowledge the flaws. It does suck that there’s still widespread racism and sexism and it sucks that same-sex marriage isn’t nationally recognized. (It also sucks that Marijuana isn’t legal everywhere but ya know, I can let that go.)

I tình yêu America because I’m free. I tình yêu America because I’m free to tình yêu it hoặc I’m free to hate it. I can choose. I can voice my opinions.

I tình yêu that it can be funny...
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added by Dreamtime
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added by randomgirl3000
Source: tumblr