draco struts down the corridore he sees a girl sobbing in the conrner he looks agin its hermione draco smirks "waz up mudblood,diddent get full marks on a test?"sniggered draco "but out malfoy"hermione sobbed "awwww...wats the poor ikle mudybloody gona do to me tell me that granger?" "go away hoặc or..." "or what mudblood"smiked draco "or i will...will jinx you!"shouted hermione "ha yer rih mu...who!"draco narroly doged a bat bogey hex "you'll pay for that one grager...oh sorry your a mudblood your perants dont have wizard money...oh well i gess i will have to jinx bạn back titanglar!"screemed draco! hermione turned and ran down towads the libary she wasent qick enough "arrrgggghhhh!STOP THIS NOW DRACO MALFOY!"demanded hermione "in your dreems granger!like i am that stupid!" he runs away back to his comman room laghing screeming mudblood granger daceing now thats a sight!
mudbloods and bloodtraitors,what've thay done for the world?why do are thay allowed into wizarding socity?look at hogwarts!they make the mudblood poplulation into wiches and wizards (not that they are actullaly wiches and wizards)they have stolen our wands after all.read tiếp theo time the danh sách of mudbloods who awayit trial.hope bạn raders enjoy my work on the articals i write if bạn have any qustions please post them on my tường agin like befor thank bạn đọc my artical hope bạn read my tiếp theo one!!