Prophecy Children of Percy Jackson Club
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added by haley_scott
Source: bởi ~RiTTa1310
added by pecyjacksonXD
Source: devianART
added by haley_scott
Source: bởi *Fuienu-chan
added by HecateA
Source: Burde-bug
added by haley_scott
Source: bởi *sminr
added by haley_scott
Source: bởi ~Silver-Shadoww
added by haley_scott
Source: bởi ~Princess-Hazel
posted by HecateA
I know there are three seperate spots for Thalia, Nico and Percy, but 3 in 1 seemed like a good deal. So here is the PCPJ spot.

The rules are quite simple.

For whatever bạn say, if Mr D would turn bạn into a shrub for saying it, don't say it.

Pretty easy, eh?

Also, please no spam. This is the definition of spam:
Definitions of spam on the Web:

•a canned meat made largely from pork
•send unwanted hoặc thuyền mành, rác rưởi, rác e-mail
•unwanted e-mail (usually of a commercial nature sent out in bulk)
•Spam is the abuse of electronic messaging systems (including most broadcast media, digital delivery systems) to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately. ...

Also try not to post a picture/icon/image if someone already đã đăng it.

That's it, enjoy the spot!