Professor Mcgonagall Club
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The seven Harry-Potter-books from Minerva's point of view:

Minerva McGonagall and I Let An Old Man Leave a Child On a Doorstep

Minerva McGonagall and Shit My Best Student Is Petrified

Minerva McGonagall and There’s a Crazy Knight Guarding the Entrance to Gryffindor

Minerva McGonagall and I Have To Teach My Students to Dance?

Minerva McGonagall and The Total Owning of That Toad

Minerva McGonagall and The Man I Was In tình yêu With Was Killed

Minerva McGonagall and He Has, To Use The Common Phrase, Done A Bunk
Minerva McGonagall is someone we all have learned to tình yêu and respect throughout the HP series.Also in the wizarding world she commands almost unanimous respect.

Here are some words hoặc actions bởi other characters that describe how they feel about her.

Oliver Wood
Bad news, Harry. I've just been to see Professor McGonagall about the Firebolt. She - er - got a bit shirty with me. Told me I'd got my priorities wrong. Seemed to think I cared thêm about winning the Cup than I do about bạn staying alive. Just because I told her I didn't care if it threw bạn off, as long as bạn caught the Snitch on it...
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McGonagall’s backstory from Pottermore

Early Years

Minerva McGonagall was the first child, and only daughter, of a Scottish Presbyterian minister and a Hogwarts-educated witch. She grew up in the Highlands of Scotland in the early twentieth century, and only gradually became aware that there was something strange, both about her own abilities, and her parents’ marriage.

Minerva’s father, the Reverend Robert McGonagall, had become captivated by...
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June 1, 1998
    Minerva was sitting in her yêu thích place on the bờ biển of the lake, watching the sun rise over the silent grounds. Just to be alive, to see the first light of ngày hit the lâu đài that stood, so resolutely, silhouetted against fading stars, was a blessing. This was Minerva's yêu thích time of ngày because, for a few shining moments, all seemed to be as it should be; as the sun rose higher into the sky, the lâu đài would come to life, and the students and professors alike would sit in the great hall and talk of meaningless things and be bathed in the fresh morning...
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posted by Perfidia

"You told her He Who Must Not Be Named is back?"
Professor McGonagall sat down behind her desk, frowning at Harry. Then she said: "Have a biscuit,Potter."
"Have - what?"
"Have a biscuit", she repeated impatiently, indicating a tartan tin lying on hàng đầu, đầu trang of one of the piles of papers on her desk. "And sit down"
There had been a trước đó occasion when Harry, expecting to be caned bởi Professor McGonagall, had instead been appointed bởi her to the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He sank into a chair opposite her and helped himself to a Ginger Newt, feeling just as confused and...
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posted by mbalzar
December 1, 1944
    Minerva McGonagall walked down the corridor with her head held high; she simply couldn't help but feel pleased with herself. And, who could, for that matter? She had finally done it, she was finally a teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
    The young Transfiguration teacher walked confidently into the great hall on her first ngày of teaching, and she felt a small jolt of satisfaction as she passed bởi the Gryffindor bàn on her way to the staff table. It was not that she had ever disliked sharing meals with her fellow...
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posted by jhakanaka420
1.Under her "gruff" exterior, Prof. McGonagall is an old softie, really.

2.(answering a câu hỏi about Dumbledore)Although McGonagall is a worthy một giây in command, she is not Dumbledore's equal.

3.(talking about new contents in Pottermore)The background on Professor McGonagall, I’ve had for years and years and years, and I think I always thought it would have somehow found its way into the story and it just never happened. Harry and Professor McGonagall just never had an interaction hoặc a conversation where that would plausibly come out, so I was left with this life story of this character I liked so much and nowhere to put it. Now I’ve got somewhere to put it. That was so satisfying.