Ponyo on the Cliff bởi the Sea Club
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Note: Written bởi Katsuya Kondo & Hayao Miyazaki.
Translated bởi Rieko Izutsu - Vajirasarn. Enjoy😍

Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, tiny little fish.
She's a little cá from the deep blue sea
Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo She's a little girl.
She's a little girl with a round tummy.

Pitter - patter, hop, hop and jump!
Look, I have legs! I'm gonna run!
Squishy - Squeeze, wave them around!
Look, I have hands! Let's hold them now!

When I'm skipping with her,
My tim, trái tim does this dance!
Munch n' munch, Kiss - hug!
Munch n' munch, Kiss - hug!
O he's my favourite little boy,
Rosy - rosy red - red

Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, tiny little...
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Ponyo was one of the best phim chiếu rạp I've seen in a

long time.Ponyo was very cute and well played bởi

Noah Cyrus and Sosuke was very well vocied bởi

Frankie Jonas.I think Ponyo's tình yêu for ham is very

funny.The end is very cute like I đã đưa ý kiến best movie

in a long time.Disney dubed it very well much better

then what 4 kids could ever do but I'm off

topic.And as I đã đưa ý kiến to my little sibs better then

watching a movie about hamsters on starodes

(G-force).It was almost as good as spirited away.^^