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Are bạn Boring hoặc Interesting?



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ecpjll said:
You Are 16% Interesting

You may think you're the most fascinating person in the world...
But the truth is: you bore everyone you know to tears.

People may pretend to listen to you, but your self absorbed ways are agonizing.
Not every conversation needs to be your therapy session. You definitely complain too much.

You can be interesting, but you'll have to break outside your comfort zone. You need to stop being boring.
Take an interest in someone else for a change. Read a book. Make a new friend. Take up a new hobby.
posted hơn một năm qua.
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SummerPoM said:
You Are 56% Interesting

You are a fairly interesting person. Many people find you to be intriguing.
You have a dynamic, adventurous life... a life that others envy.

You are genuinely interested in and open to the world.
You love making new friends, and you're always up for an unusual experience.

Like everyone else, you can get a bit boring from time to time. That's normal.
But unlike everyone else, you can pull yourself out of a rut. You don't stay boring for long.
posted hơn một năm qua.
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big smile
You Are 60% Interesting

You are a fairly interesting person. Many people find you to be intriguing.
You have a dynamic, adventurous life... a life that others envy.

You are genuinely interested in and open to the world.
You love making new friends, and you're always up for an unusual experience.

Like everyone else, you can get a bit boring from time to time. That's normal.
But unlike everyone else, you can pull yourself out of a rut. You don't stay boring for long.

posted hơn một năm qua.
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You Are 60% Interesting

You are a fairly interesting person. Many people find you to be intriguing.
You have a dynamic, adventurous life... a life that others envy.

You are genuinely interested in and open to the world.
You love making new friends, and you're always up for an unusual experience.

Like everyone else, you can get a bit boring from time to time. That's normal.
But unlike everyone else, you can pull yourself out of a rut. You don't stay boring for long.
posted hơn một năm qua.
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You Are 64% Intersting

You are a fairly interesting person. Many people find you to be intriguing.
You have a dynamic, adventurous life... a life that others envy.

You are genuinely interested in and open to the world.
You love making new friends, and you're always up for an unusual experience.

Like everyone else, you can get a bit boring from time to time. That's normal.
But unlike everyone else, you can pull yourself out of a rut. You don't stay boring for long.
posted hơn một năm qua.
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emmett said:
You Are 32% Interesting

Truth be told, you're not the most interesting person in the world.
You don't put much effort into expanding your horizons. You're content to stay in your little comfort zone.

You tend to get stuck in a rut, and you often bore people who spend time with you.
You are predictable and somewhat narcissistic. You're too focused on yourself to see how boring you can be.

You have the potential to be an incredibly fascinating person. You just have to be a little more proactive.
Shake things up. Try something new. Take a risk. The worst that can happen is that you'll have an amazing story to tell!
posted hơn một năm qua.