Peanuts Club
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added by cecilymsmith
added by LMSCTX
added by glelsey
added by rakshasa
Source: CBS @Charles M. Schulz
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: ti-king-graphics on deviantart
added by LMSCTX
added by mnicolini
added by glelsey
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: super-marcos-96 on deviantart
@AppleTV -Oh good grief! The Peanuts gang are all dressed up for a night of trick hoặc treating. If only Linus weren’t so busy looking for the Great Pumpkin. It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown is now streaming on táo, apple TV+
it’s the great quả bí ngô, bí ngô
charlie brown
ghost costumes
táo, apple tv
added by ahastie7
added by glelsey
Source: Blue Sky
added by glelsey
Source: Blue Sky
added by glelsey
Source: Blue Sky
Hello, fellow Peanuts fans! I've just watched the new Peanuts movie (in 3D) and thought I'd write up a review while the whole experience is still fresh in my mind. First off, I'm just gonna state the obvious and warn bạn that this review will contain some spoilers, particularly when I'm talking about the story.

Now, I have to admit something. When I first heard that Peanuts was being brought to the big screen with the use of CG animation, I was a little on the skeptical side. Would a new production team be loyal to the comic strips? Would the movie's atmosphere need to be contemporary to appeal...
continue reading...
added by glelsey
added by drikon
added by rakshasa
Source: CBS @Charles M. Schulz
added by rakshasa
Source: Charles M. Schulz