Naraku and Sesshomaru Why do bạn like the paring of Naraku and Sesshomaru?

sesshyswind posted on Sep 16, 2010 at 11:52AM
Share your thoughts on this oddly far-fetched yet, intriguingly delicious couple/foes.
 Share your thoughts on this oddly far-fetched yet, intriguingly delicious couple/foes.
last edited on Sep 16, 2010 at 12:40PM

Naraku and Sesshomaru 1 reply

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hơn một năm qua Columbine15NZ said… do I love thee...let me count the ways. I got into this pairing about midway through the series. I was hopelessly obsessed with Naraku from his first appearance.
It was quite strange actually. I had seen Sesshomaru somewhere and started watching the show simply out of curiosity.
I quickly found out what a large fan base he had. Try as I did to become a Fluffy Fan so to speak, I just couldn't. It didn't work for me. Then along came Naraku.
Funnily enough the only way I can stand Sesshomaru is when he's paired with Naraku. Hes the only reason I'm still into the Inuyasha fandom with its petty KikyovsKagome wars and stupid pairings (SessRin and SessKag for starters)
I may sound like a freak but I never saw this romance as far fetched. I saw so much evidence throughout the series! I firmly believe it's canon.
I'm possibly the only person in the world that sees Naraku as Uke as well.