My Sonic character Take off the re-colors

Sonicluver2282 posted on Sep 18, 2009 at 09:10PM
ok well You know me Sonicluver2282. I hate re-colors and so do a lot of the others on here. So all of you people tat have re-colors plz take them off. and those of you who dont like them plz comment on the drawings to ask them to take them off. Thnx so much everyone. ;D

My Sonic character 10 các câu trả lời

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hơn một năm qua freya-the-cat said…
I don't like recolours.
hơn một năm qua Sonicluver2282 said…
neither do I. I wish everyone would take the fooken things off
hơn một năm qua zelda4559 said…
I don't like recolours too.
hơn một năm qua Sonicluver2282 said…
hơn một năm qua frylock243 said…
lolz, "fooken" XP

hơn một năm qua Sonicluver2282 said…
:D Im glade you injoy my crude South Park humor XD
hơn một năm qua Ixtxs said…
south park
hơn một năm qua Sonicluver2282 said…
Yeah yeah I lov South Park :D
hơn một năm qua ShipoopiWolfeh said…
South Park is epic win <3 oh, i also hate recolors
hơn một năm qua MephilesTheDark said…
South Park is awesome!

Re-colors, at first I didn't care, then I hated them, then... meh. I've accepted them as part of life.