Monsters, Inc. 2 Club
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posted by spyderkid22
Well as u all might know Pixar has been working on the sequel to monster's inc.What some of u might not know is that it is not a sequel but a prequel.meaning that this film is not going to be called Monster's Inc 2,but Monster's University.also meaning that boo might not make an appearance in the movie (insert sad face here).the plot is really simple,mike and sully start their scaring job bởi going to the trường đại học of fear where they first become enemy's but soon become best friend.John Goodman,Steve Buscemi and Billy Crystal have both signed on to the movie as mike and sully respectively.thats it for now.i'll post thêm things about monster's trường đại học later!
added by kenzieiscool
added by ppv
Source: internet
Watch this is u really wanna know the details for Monsters Inc 2!! not meh video!!