NOTE: I came up with this after being inspired bởi the fic "The SEES Group Therapy Session" bởi Seint.
I think that Minato would be the worst person to have as a therapy patient, because it would probably go like this:
Therapist: So, what is your name?
Minato: bạn can call me whatever bạn like.
Therapist: ...was that a seduction attempt?
Minato: do bạn want it to be?
Therapist: ...seriously, what is your name.
Minato: that's open to interpretation, but it can't have thêm than 8 letters.
Therapist: ... okay... So, tell me, Why are bạn here?
Minato: why would bạn want me to be here?
Therapist: I'm sorry,...
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