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Michelle Rodriguez Câu Hỏi

What quality do bạn most like about Michelle Rodriguez?

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Michelle Rodriguez Các Câu Trả Lời

ros1ta said:
adoro su personalidad, ella es muy sencilla,calidad de actriz y de ser humano increible
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Wahinetoa said:
She is always true to herself. Her strength, intelligence, generous spirit and dedication to fight for others, enviromental, social and political need - makes her breathtakingly gorgeous on every level.
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rahulcg said:
your smile is very cute.
bạn look as my girlifrend
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MRod123 said:
Because Michelle is a tomboy and she is different than everyone one else, she doesn't care what people think and she does what ever she wants. she is a STRONG
female figure that there aren't many of in Hollywood and who cars if she's gay hoặc bisexual she is one of a kind that stands out.

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