Mia Marie Cullen Round 3 -Your yêu thích Actor (repeats are allowed) please don’t vote for yourself

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3 fans picked:
twihard203 - Robert Pattinson
50Shades-Cullen - Robert Pattinson
mia444 - Robert Pattinson
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twilightswan - Robert Pattinson
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BellaGrey444 - Robert Pattinson
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Belward4ever - Gerald Butler
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Twilight-Lover6 - Chris Hemsworth
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ChristianAna1 - Robert Pattinson
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Twilight-FSOG - Robert Pattinson
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 BellaGrey444 posted hơn một năm qua
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twilightswan picked 50Shades-Cullen - Robert Pattinson:
since the majority of us posted Rob,I voted for the obvious.I also love Kate's choice,Chris Hemsworth
posted hơn một năm qua.