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added by celebrityluv
added by Spotty_Vision21
Source: Mike Lane
added by katiemariie
added by -RandomChick-
added by GaGaBoi
Source: NOH8 Campaign / Adam Bouska
Okay, this is seriously starting to get on my nerves.

People will say that being gay is wrong, hoặc that it's not they who hate gays, but God who hates gays. I think this is pretty outrageous.

I myself am not Christian, but let me tell you, I do not know of a single other religion who has anything against gay people (besides Naziism, but that is a political party, not a religion, and not too many people are a người hâm mộ of theirs anymore). But I did learn about the Christian religion in my Global History class at school (historically, not religiously. We did all different religions). Guess what? It is...
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added by BabushkaDolls
added by glelsey
Source: Cartoon Politics
added by Cinders
Source: Cinders
added by r-pattz
added by Tamar20
added by r-pattz
Source: DK Rising nhiếp ảnh
added by Dont-Look-Back
added by r-pattz
Source: the Advocate
added by r-pattz
Source: tumblr
added by r-pattz
Source: NYT/tumblr
added by cudambercam13
added by r-pattz