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added by LeaHeartBroken
added by Irja
added by Irja
added by LeaHeartBroken
added by LeaHeartBroken
added by LeaHeartBroken
added by Irja
added by mika2010
added by Irja
added by Irja
added by kirks
Source: (c) 2009 Kirk Stauffer
One of these days you'll be
under the covers, you'll be
under the bàn and you'll realize.

That all of your days are numbered;
all of them one to one hundred.
All of them millions.
All of them trillions.
So what are bạn gonna do with them all?
You can not trade them in for more...

No no

Take every moment; bạn know that bạn own them.
It's all bạn can do, use what's been được trao to you.

Give me a reason to
fight the feeling
that there's nothing here for me.

Cause none of its easy,
I know it wasn't meant to be.
I know it's all up to me.
It's all up to me.
So what am I gonna do with my time?


Ill take every moment,...
continue reading...
added by kirks
Source: (c) 2009 Kirk Stauffer
added by LeaHeartBroken
added by LeaHeartBroken
added by LeaHeartBroken
added by LeaHeartBroken
added by LeaHeartBroken
added by LeaHeartBroken
added by LeaHeartBroken