Pokemon huyền thoại Club
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added by joshjakenik
Source: hello
added by geocen
Source: bulbapedia.net
added by hiba224j
added by charizard_love
added by geocen
added by Namdeesha
added by SkipperFan
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added by animepunkgirl
Source: Google hình ảnh
added by Okami_Amaterasu
added by geocen
Source: http://eb621.net/post/show/80306
added by mae-Louise
Pokémon is a Japanese manga series created bởi Satoshi Tajiri. The series has become one of the most successful series within a short span. Pokémon episodes provide a heavy dosage of action to the fans. Moreover, the series has been converted into a huge franchise with all-encompassing merchandise in the form of toys, video games, cloths, anime, books, manga and trading cards.

In addition, zillions of những người hâm mộ all over the world have enjoyed the series for its characterizations and storylines. Some of the most amazing characters of the series are Ashley, Delia Ketchum, Violet, Brock, May, Caroline,...
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added by PkMkPrestoYT
added by kamal12
Source: Nothing!!!!
added by twilight10000