Elle: My name is Elle Woods and for my admissions essay, I ' d like to tell all of bạn at Harvard why I' m going to make an amazing lawyer.
...Elle: I'm able to recall hundreds of important details at the drop of a hat. Margot: Elle, do bạn know what happened on "Days of Our Lives" yesterday? Elle: Why, yes, Margot, I do. Once again, we joined Hope in the tìm kiếm for her identity. As bạn know, she's been brainwashed bởi the evil Stefano.
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"Hey remember when we spent spring break in the hot tub every night? We đã đưa ý kiến nothing else could ever be so right... WELL THIS MIGHT!" from the musical
đã đăng hơn một năm qua
"Warner, do bạn remember those 2 AMAZING hours we spent in that hot tub at that party?" "uhh...Yes." "Well this is SO MUCH BETTER THAN THAT!" :)
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