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LA Ink Do bạn think it was sad when Kat's cat died?

14 fans picked:
YES!!!!!!- !!!!!!! I cried!
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cried!
NO!!!!!!!!!- !!!!!!!!!! I hate cats!
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate cats!
 taismo723 posted hơn một năm qua
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YES!!!- !!!- !!!!!!! I cried!
Abilei picked YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cried!:
I didn't actually cry though.
posted hơn một năm qua.
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YES!!!- !!!- !!!!!!! I cried!
SkylarStrait picked YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cried!:
it was sad and who the fuck is the animal hater who hated cats f u
posted hơn một năm qua.