if anything, i think he should be in some kind of sketch hoặc something on robot chicken where he competes in and wins a competition for "The Sexiest Cartoon Character"hơn một năm qua
aww! kowalski is sooo cool and awsome, and for some reson every expression he makes is awsome too, i just wish i could see them all at once without having to wait for my computer to load pages! so epic...
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JUXTAPOSED IS AN ACTUAL WORD!!! Here's the definition: to place close together hoặc side bởi side, especially for comparison hoặc contrast.
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kowalski smak smak i like bạn i want to Kiss you!!!!!!!! I like your delicious body and taste for science and macho!!!!! I want bạn to perform CPR on me!!!!!!
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im bored so im just gunna say ngẫu nhiên stuff how i feel right now...........i feel like i want to just run up to Kowalski then hug and Kiss him til i die!!!!!!!!
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