kowalski and the fangirls Club
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A: Always has the best quotes

B: Bad temper about simple things

C: Cocky

D: Dances like a dream

E: Eyes can grow adorably huge

F: Funny

G: Girly scream

H: Hot

I: Intelligent

J: Just sings like world-class baritone

K: Kowalski. Even his name catches the eye

L: tình yêu escapes him

M: Masquerades as the Throbbing Cerebellum

N: Nerds, who doesn’t tình yêu them?

O: Overly risky with his experiments

P: Plans the perfect options

Q: Quite fatherly to Private

R: Really shows-off

S: Single; because Doris doesn’t tình yêu him...

T: Tall

U: Utterly awesome

V: Voice like a symphony

W: When he is stupid, he is even thêm funny

X: X-tremely logical

Y: bạn could get Mất tích in those blue eyes...

Z: Zealous for candy
The penguins were standing outside, waiting for Alice to feed them. Skipper looked at the pool water, which was a disgusting green color. bạn couldn't see anything that was in the water. SP and Cowtails were inside, since they couldn't be seen.

Private's stomach growled. He sat down, dizzy. "I'm so hungry.."he whined. He hadn't eaten in two days! And his last meal had been very small. Skipper patted him on the back,"Hey Private, it's gonna be fine. Alice is coming, and this time, Rico WON'T eat your fish." He sent a glare at Rico. Rico shrugged, smiling nervously. The last time Alice fed them,...
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Last scene of It's About Time: Take 1

Kowalski: "...Eventually it will nuốt, nhạn the whole universe!"

Rico: *gets angry & throws chronotron into black hole*

*black hole closes*

Kowalski: "But...but that shouldn't have worked, it breaks all...it breaks all...uh, LINE PLEASE!"

Last scene of It's About Time: Take 2

*black hole closes*

Kowalski: "But...but that shouldn't have worked, it breaks all known rules of the universe!"

Skipper: "That's why we call Rico a maverick. He makes his own rules."

Rico: "K-k...Yea!"

Kowalski: "But...But...The uni...uni...ACHOO! Aw, crud."

Last scene of It's About...
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Kissing Scene: Take 1

Kowalski: "No...hard...feelings?"

Hen: "You've meddled with mental powers bạn can't begin to comprehend, Kowalski! My wrath will be fierce! But bởi golly bạn are one salsy dancer!"

*Hen begins kissing Kowalski*

Hen: "Blech! What have bạn been eating?!?!"

Kowalski: "Fish. I'm a penguin. Do the math."

Kissing Scene: Take 2

Kowalski: "No...hard...feelings?"

Hen: "You've meddled with mental powers bạn can't begin to comprehend, Kowalski! My wrath will be fierce! But bởi golly bạn are one salsy dancer!"

*Hen walks toward Kowalski*

Kowalski: "WAIT! Do we really have to have this...
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These are just little brotherly tình yêu drabbles...because Kowalski and Private are awesome as brothers!

It had been a normal day. Private was talking to SP. Cowtails was in the lab with Kowalski. Skipper and Rico were watching Shirtless Ninja Action Theater. All was well until an explosion came from the lab. Cowtails ran out, screaming. "Kowalski's gone mad!!" Skipper looked at her, unamused. "Who had this tháng in the betting pool?" Cowtails scowled in frustration. "No, I mean he created some sort of virus...that makes bạn REALLY mean...and REALLY strong..and VERY abusive...he already...
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10. Your yêu thích song of all time is "Bus Called Graveyard Eight".
9. On Halloween, bạn wear a scientific costume, but pirate is an exception.
8. Your friend text bạn on the part of "Concrete Jungle Survival" where Kowalski sings. The tiếp theo day. bạn beat her down blindfolded Kowalski Style!
7. No matter what pet bạn have, bạn name it "Jiggles".
6. Instead of a swear jar, bạn have to put money in a "Show Off Jar".
5. During group assignments, it's no surprise that bạn black out while freaking out about how bạn should be put in charge because you're the smart one.
4. Your conversations with your peers put them to sleep.
3. Before going to bed, bạn think to yourself, "I wonder how it would feel to mate with him no matter how illogical it may be?"
2. bạn compare the looks of other intellectual superheroes to the good looks of "The Throbbing Cerebellum".
1. bạn agree to anything hoặc everything on the list. Boomshakana to all bạn fellow fangirls!!!
bạn think your up to the challenge of being a Kowalski fangirl?

If so, can you:

•Write a poem revealing your tình yêu for Kowalski and when caught on video: avoid the subject and change the channel?

•Look the (kinda) enemy, Doris, in the eye and say, “I deserve Kowalski thêm than you.”?

•Recite Kowalski trích dẫn from memory?

•If asked, sing a duet with Kowalski for the song Graveyard 8?

If bạn have answered yes at least once then:

All bạn have to do is click the right hand corner button and we will do the rest!