Klaine Club
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added by Seastar4374
Source: Muchacha10
added by HanessaVudgens
added by Seastar4374
added by Seastar4374
added by Gleeky36
added by littlemissNPH
added by Seastar4374
added by Natka97
added by AutumnDontFall
Source: Tumblr
added by Seastar4374
Source: Muchacha10
added by Seastar4374
Blaine was beyond upset. He had just Mất tích his job and he knew that he, Kurt and their newborn em bé needed the money. Slowly he sighs and turns the key in the ignition from off to on. He looks at himself in his rear view mirror and sighs softly. "Why did it have to be me they lay off?" He says softly frowning. "They knew that me and Kurt had twins recently and of course it just has to be me they have to lay off." He rams his head into the steering wheel accidently setting off the car horn. Jumping he sits up straight and puts his car from park into drive and begins to drive home.

The drive...
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added by Seastar4374
added by Seastar4374
added by Glee932
added by Seastar4374
added by Seastar4374
added by AutumnDontFall
Source: Twitter
Come What May (Glee Cast Version)
come what may
added by Seastar4374
Source: Whoever originally made the picture