Kenny McCormick- South Park Câu Hỏi
Fave Kenny episode? (:
Whats your fave episode Kenny starred hoặc was in? (:
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Kenny McCormick- South Park Các Câu Trả Lời
SP727 said:
Thet is a terrible câu hỏi because he only starred in like 1/30th of the episodes IF THAT.
LOL5281 said:
Good Times With Wepons cuz kenny looks sexy
iloveprivate said:
Rainforest Schmainforest because he was cute and the whole episode was funny. Plus he got a girlfriend. :)
PirateCove6513 said:
I like Kenny, so every episode he stars in is my fav.
Cybrawler253 said:
My yêu thích Kenny episode is a tie between Mysterion Rises and Coon vs. Coon and Friends. I feel that these episodes helped him develop as a character; thêm so than throughout the entire series.
Biscuit69 said:
Either Major Boobage hoặc The Coon Trilogy (all episodes)
RavenRechior said:
Major Boobage, Coon trilogy (all three episodes), The Poor Kid, and The Coon from season 12. ^_^