Justin Bieber Club
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It hasn't been a long time since screaming girls grew and grew, saying Justin Bieber was spotted in our town. Never in my life did i think he'd be right outside my house though! "Just don't go fangirl" i đã đưa ý kiến quietly to myself. I walked faster to get trang chủ but i bumped into him dropping my things. "Dang it" i đã đưa ý kiến getting on my knees picking my things up. "I'm sorry" Justin đã đưa ý kiến handing a few sách he got to first. "It's not your fault i wasn't paying attention" i đã đưa ý kiến my voice a little shaky. "You okay" Justin asked looking at me struggle not to burst out screaming, grab my phone, take a picture,...
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Since the release of his debut single One Time, Justin Bieber has become one of the most được ưa chuộng teenager-singers all over the world. Needless to say that his fame is backed bởi dozens of great songs.

Continue đọc for the hàng đầu, đầu trang 5 most được ưa chuộng and touching Justin Bieber’s Songs.

1. Baby

A number one hit, which made Bieber a superstar, a perfect sample of up-tempo R&B with the dance-pop and hip-hop elements, contagious chorus and a great vocal – obviously, this song is Bieber’s cutaway.

2. Believe

A song noted bởi the Bieber’s fans, which is not only ‘inspiring’, but also...
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posted by justinsgurl2
omg i just saw his video one time and he was awesome.i want to merry him. well at least meet him in person. when i saw his vidoe i changed from likeing nat to justin. he is so cute .any way he is omg. when i saw it again i started to talk about him at school in the store at home. i always talking about him. even though he has a gurlfriend there is still hope. and to the new gurls make sure to have a pilow for when u faint. and to the people who doesn't like justin bieber well they don't know what there missing.well that is my true opinion.justin tim, trái tim rachael.
posted by RnBStar13
 Justin Bieber♥
Justin Bieber♥
Ohh wooaah Ohh wooaah Ohh wooaah
You know bạn tình yêu me, I know bạn care
Just shout whenever, And I'll be there
You are my love, bạn are my tim, trái tim
And we will never ever-ever be apart

Are we an item. Girl quit playing
"We're just friends"
What are bạn sayin?
said theres another and looked right in my eyes
My first tình yêu broke my tim, trái tim for the first time,

And I was like
Baby, baby, baby ooh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ooh
Thought you'd always be mine, mine

Baby, baby, baby oohh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ohh
Thought you'd always be mine, mine

For you,i would...
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justin bieber had like 10 girlfriends and all of them dumped him when he đã đưa ý kiến he is single and ready to mingle don't listen to him he is lieing i have a pic of him kissing this girl named page white she is a blonde and his leg is around her they r sitting on stairs to :( some pics are old but the blonde girl one is a newer image and the one with brown here is christian beadles sister caitlin....here uis justin bieber thông tin các nhân link bạn can talk 2 him hoặc add him if he hoặc his other thông tin các nhân is kidrauhl16 type that in tìm kiếm then click những người hâm mộ under what kind and it will appear
The Hills ngôi sao Heidi Montag has publicly 'made a move' on 16-year old Justin Bieber. The Somebody To tình yêu singer may have confessed he has a thing for older women, but Montag may have taken the pint-sized star's claims a bit too far after suggesting they 'get together' on Twitter. Montag, who chẻ, phân chia, split with her co-star Spencer Pratt a few weeks cách đây tweeted: "@justinbieber Now that I am getting divorced, I really think bạn and I should do a bức ảnh shoot together! Cutie ;)! I'm closer to your age."
However, Heidi has since blamed her estranged hubby Spencer for the tweet, claiming: "I didn't write...
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♫♪If I could take away the pain and put a smile on your face
Baby I would, baby I would
If I could make a better way, so bạn could see a better day
Baby I would, baby I would, I would

Paint a doorway to the sky and hand bạn the keys,
Let bạn know that you're always welcomed so that bạn never leave
Buy bạn all those fancy things that bạn only see on tv, yeah
Run away, to our hideaway, we be living the american dream
And i,...
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It’s like everytime bạn fall
No one going to lend bạn a helping hand
Ohh, mm
Wanted to and will bạn spend
Your life with some four walls
Standing in quick sand
Don’t let your thought down
Hold your head up
Wipe them down your face
Gotta stay strong
And if we two can be, cause underneath
bạn better bring all along
Cause bạn been traveling
The same road for a long time
Feels like a burning love


But going nowhere fast
I meant to tell bạn there’s no limit
To what bạn can do
bạn just gotta believe
posted by selenagomezfan7
My Những người bạn say I'm a fool to think that you're the one for me
I guess I'm just a sucker for love
'Cause honestly the truth is that bạn know I'm never leavin'
'Cause you're my Angel sent from above

Baby, bạn can do no wrong
My money is yours, give bạn a little thêm because I tình yêu ya, tình yêu ya
With me, girl, is where bạn belong
Just stay right here, I promise my dear I'll put nothin' above ya, 'bove ya

Love me, tình yêu me, say that bạn tình yêu me
Fool me, fool me, oh how bạn do me
Kiss me, Kiss me, say that bạn miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear, tell me bạn tình yêu me

Love me, tình yêu me, say that bạn tình yêu me
Fool me,...
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posted by 7things
-Name: Justin Drew Bieber
-Birth date: March 1, 1994
-Birth place: Stratford, Ontario, Canada
-Eye Color: Brown
-Hair Color: Brown
-Height: 5’3 ½ and growing!
-Parents: Pattie (mom)
-Siblings: sister, Jazmyn
-Pets: One dog (Sammy)
-Super Power Wish: To fly
-Favorite Candy: chua Patch Kids
-Favorite girl celeb: Taylor Swift. “She is the sweetest girl ever. She tells stories that actually happened. Her songs are amazing.”
-Hidden talent: “I can solve a Rubik’s cube in less than a minute.”
-First thing to notice about a crush: Her smile
-Nicest gift he’s ever given: “I took my mom on a vacation to Florida.”
-Favorite time of day: Night
-Favorite TV show: Smallville
-Celebrity crush: Beyoncé
-Favorite brand of shoes: Supra
-Favorite brand of toothpaste: Colgate
-Most special người hâm mộ gift: A set of dog tags.
posted by ilovethejbiebs
I'm a huge belieber and apparently Justin has a new girlfriend. her name is Sian Eckles and shes 16. there are soo many things saying they are dating but no one has maybe confirmed it.. do bạn think they make a good couple? they might not be going out and i really hope they aren't as i really like justin. I hope that they are just friends. Sian has things on Google about people asking if they were dating. also people have seen them around together and stuff. She lives in Atlanta and she wrote a twitlonger on twitter recently about her feelings for someone that she misses.. this may be about...
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posted by BrittnieD
My name is Brittnie Dominguez I am Justins biggest người hâm mộ I am 6 years old and live in Amarillo Texas. I hope one ngày Justin comes to Amariilo so i can see him in buổi hòa nhạc I tình yêu all his songs and tình yêu to sing along. His songs are so awesome and makes me feel happy. I would also be a coool big brother.My biggest dream in the whole world is to meet Justin Bieber even if it its just a phút that would be a memery to keep forever. Please justin read my article. Thanks for keeping it real for little kids like me.

Brittnie Dominguez
Amarillo, Texas
Go Texas Tech
posted by cleo-mermaid
IN the late afternoon chilly dark, the pop ngôi sao Justin Bieber, 15, emerged from the radio station in Providence, R.I., where he had just been interviewed. As if on cue, a large pack of tween girls screamed and pounced.

With his mother, Pattie Mallette, in Providence, R.I.

So did their mothers.

“Justin, my daughter Elizabeth is going to your hiển thị tonight!” shouted one woman, shoving girls out of the way to push her cellphone camera in Mr. Bieber’s face. “Want a play ngày with her, Justin?”

A shriek, presumably from the mortified Elizabeth: “Mom!”

Justin, blessed with excellent mop-top...
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Selena Gomez gets on great with Justin Bieber,but The Wizards of Waverly Place actress has something to say to JB about his hair.

She explained, "Everybody wants to cut his hair. I want to cut his hair! You're with him and bạn have, like, a 45-second conversation and it's like, (he's flicking his hair the entire time) and I'm like, 'Why are bạn doing that!'"

This is the reason that Selena wants to cut his hair. Can bạn imagine talking to someone who is touching their hair ALL THE TIME!? Annoying.

Oh!!and iam pretty sure that Justin is not going to pay any attention to Selena. He loves his hair and will not want to cut it because it is a huge part of the singer's 'look'
and i think all of the những người hâm mộ agree with me,right?
iv been colecting info about ♥justin bieber♥ and so far i learned hes 15 and 5'4 his fav color is purpule he has a brother and sister a dog named sam his dads name is jeremy bieber he has no Facebook he starts his ngày my brushing his teeth in the vòi hoa sen his fav Youtube video is scarleete takes a tumble he has an iphone his parents devoresed wen he was 2 his first kisswas wen he was 13 he live in atlantic gorgia he was born in china his fav sports r basket ball and hokey his middle name is drew his yêu thích song on his cd is one time well thats like all i now about him well not all buut bye
Today i was watching justin bieber flirting with bạn and it was hilarious but creepy at the same time soo dreamy. bạn guys should watch it.just go to Youtube and type in justin bieber flirting with you.

I remember when i first saw him i was at justice and his song one time and i was like whose that hottie! I always heard his song but never saw his sexy face!since then ive loved him!Now im sitting here with the bieber fever... and i tình yêu the feeling! i wanna be his valentine but I've never met him. (sigh). But i tình yêu bạn justin. and ima tell one time that im your number one người hâm mộ (lol)! his hair is song dreamy and talk about his eyes and dreamy smile! if i met the jonas brother i would have said,"no ugly allowed 'cause justin bieber beat bạn bởi a long shot"! keep up with the good work. omjb im starting to sound like me teacher because she always says that. Peace!<3
Justin Bieber is one lucky guy. From performing at most high thông tin các nhân events to rubbing shoulders with Hollywood’s A-Listers, Justin has seen fame at a very young age. No matter how hard he tries to be normal, he has been blessed with a superstar’s life .Justin has got some crazy người hâm mộ following and it was all the thêm evident when he đã đăng a picture of his and reality TV ngôi sao Kim Kardashian together and declared that she is his girlfriend. His female những người hâm mộ did not react kindly to this and even sent Kim death threats, much to her amusement and bewilderment. Even though some websites has been...
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posted by corina2323
me and my friend were on the inernet yezterday and we found the người hâm mộ number of jb so we called and someone anwsered and guess who it was?..............JB and me and my friend were sceaming so much i was sooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that waz the best ngày ever i wanted to tell him to be my bf but i was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo shoked i codnt say really anythinggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D
posted by anne99
i wish justin bieber was my valintine cause my botfreind broke up with me 4 days b4 valintnes ngày i cry like there was no tomorow. :(
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posted by ILoveJBXOXO
OmG Justin is cute and HOT!!a girl that doesn't like Justin Shes a flippen fool then.Thats her fault.For all u girlz that Adore justin keep on dreamin becuz he will nv ngày normal girlz like us.So we keep dreamin on... but us girlz will find someone.. If u already have a bf then y r u all over him. Girlz that r all over him u will nv get him. No offence but i adore him 2 but i will nv get him etheir

Oh well keep dreamin' girlz,

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