Josh Holloway Câu Hỏi
dnt bạn just adore his smile ?
once i saw it i was like wow i tình yêu his smile soooooo awesome
Josh Holloway Các Câu Trả Lời
ziva_rocks said:
tình yêu it! The dimples are just soooooooooo gorgeous!! tình yêu HIM!!!
annazee said:
YESSS!! its so sweet and i tình yêu dimples!!! :)
Ada-Holloway said:
his dimples r so cute i like them soooooooooooooo much
Suzanne054 said:
tình yêu his smile and those dimples
betaorionis said:
I totally adore his smile, his eyes and of course those dimples. In short can't look at his các bức ảnh for just a few secs, I tend to drool too LOL – Liên minh huyền thoại !
sandy1944 said:
I like everything about him, I tình yêu him