Hot Topic is a cool store. They have band t-shirts. However, I have to go in with my sister. They people in Hot Topic scare my mom.
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I go there so I can buy my hair products, belts, Invader ZIM needs, and Music. They have such a good sellection. I ♥ Hot Topic~
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It's weird. A lot of people go there because it's "different", when in reality you're following a trend of wearing rainbows and cupcakes. Very scary. But not to take the place down. I tình yêu Hot Topic.
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I tình yêu it when I take one of my extremely girly Những người bạn into the store with me, and they're so overwhelmed. I just stand there laughing off to the side. :)
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tình yêu the hunger games shirts there: i got a peeta áo sơ mi even though one of the store's workers đã đưa ý kiến the katniss shirts were out of stock :(
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Hot topic sell anything awesome-related !!! It's like a department store of AWESOME !!!! Except they don't sell ham,cause that would be weird :3
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I went to hot topic on saturday and i got a GREYSON CHANCE SHIRT!!!! yay! thanks hot topic for selling Greyson Chance shirts cuz i tình yêu Greyson so munch!!!
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ok i went to hot topic and got 3 pairs of jeans in black on 1 side and wight on the other,black,hot pink.a black veil brides áo sơ mi a fly leaf áo sơ mi a sleeping with sirens shirt.a pair of black converse. 15 rings that looked cool. 20 wristbands 5 đã đưa ý kiến black veil brides on them. 5 boxes of hair dye in black hot màu hồng, hồng and purple. a thắt lưng, vành đai with spikes on it in black blue and wight. and a big 3 lbs gummy bare. i spent $297 i was happy.
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im going for my bday again and im getting trái cam, màu da cam skinny jeans,a GIR booksack,a botdf áo sơ mi and some bracelets...
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I got all my extensions from there <3 But I go to Hot Topic every Saturday and sometimes on the weekdays with friends. Here in Puerto Rico, la guancha and plaza are dominated bởi punks, emos and goths on Saturdays. And -every- saturday. ;)
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Too bad they don't have them in England. My dad is American, so he takes me there like every summer. It's really cool, although it's in an economic/global/environmental mess. But anyway I got a LOT of stuff for my birthday from there. It's awesome since I'm punk.
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i tình yêu hot topic i havent been in a while but tình yêu it so if it changes it might be people telling us to change from the dark world and into the light world just remember u are wat u wanna be no one can change that so tell them hell no
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so sad :( i whent to the mall with my family and me and my cuz where right in front of the store when my bro told us to keep on walking. I rely wonted to go in
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Today I was at the mall and I saw in the window that Hot Topic had an EPIC Gorillaz shirt. My friend and I geeked out for like 2 minutes. Then we walked inside and couldn't find them. I asked a guy who worked there where they were and they were out of them!!!
But Hot Topic is still my yêu thích store. I got my Harry Potter and Bob Marley shirts there and I also got these epic red-and-black striped tights.
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OK, bạn CAN'T MAKE FUN OF HIM WHEN bạn CAN'T EVEN SPELL HIS NAME RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hơn một năm qua