Hot guys on fanpop Các Câu Trả Lời
Swhit2 said:
I don't know, i've never seen you. -Isabella (Swhit2)
yllom said:
haha there is no way bạn are 18 haha im 16....and bạn look like bạn could be my kid.....haha besides.....i heard ur one of amys profiles haha
leiladanc said:
Maybe if bạn post a picture of YOURSELF it would be easier to answer this question
9twilightlover5 said:
???? post a link cuz I can't find it and dont put it on "comment cuz it won't work u have to answer it!
Kellykoo1 said:
sorry, but; ewww. so not my type. if your angry at me, its your own fault, your the one that asked, and i say dont ask, dont tell. bạn kind of set yourself up for it.
BlackCrystal said:
i have no idea what u look like soooo -steps back slowly- XD jk im nt an đít, mông, ass like most ppl its nt bout looks its bout who it is on the inside
EmzLovesCheryl said:
I don't know, I went on your thông tin các nhân and I couldn't find any pictures. Your name is Danny though, and that's good. My dream guy was always called Danny, ever since I was 7 years old. :)
Emmy808 said:
ur các bức ảnh rnt there
Paice2Pacegurl said:
You're about as hot as an ice lolly LOL! No, all jokes aside, how are we supposed to know? I've never seen bạn nor met you. :-P So good day.