Hetalia: Nordic Countries Câu Hỏi
Do bạn like hoặc tình yêu the Nordics?:D
I L-O-V-E the Nordics!!!!!!!!!! :D
momijikun posted hơn một năm qua
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Hetalia: Nordic Countries Các Câu Trả Lời
RomeoBlack123 said:
tình yêu THEM!!!! XD how could bạn not? I might be biased because I'm of Scandinavian descent, but whatever. I think I'd tình yêu them anyways. ICELAND FTW!
Aph-Finland said:
I tình yêu THEM!!! FINLAND IS MY BFF AND ICELAND AND NORWAY r just there on my danh sách i guess.... FINLAND IS MY LIFE FOREVER!!! im... sorry...