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Hetalia: Nordic Countries Câu Hỏi

Who would u marry out of the five?

For me I have no idea please state your các câu trả lời with reasons
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Hetalia: Nordic Countries Các Câu Trả Lời

icelovelicorice said:
i would go for iceland since we are almost exactly the same :D
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 i would go for iceland since we are almost exactly the same :D
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O,O everyone loves him on here how the heck but still....
Aph-Finland posted hơn một năm qua
krazybaby142 said:
i would marry Norway! he's so cool and his troll is amazing.
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momijikun said:
DENMARK!!! I tình yêu HIM!!! ;D
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fandomfan said:
God that's a tough one, spending the rest of your life with someone... Iceland maybe... but norway and sweden... but finland is also... although denmark's really... INCONCLUSIVE CANNOT BE COMPUTED
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LOL – Liên minh huyền thoại :D
momijikun posted hơn một năm qua
:) thank bạn
fandomfan posted hơn một năm qua
RomeoBlack123 said:
Probably Iceland. I tình yêu them all, but in terms of a long-term partner, I feel like Denmark, Sweden, and Norway wouldn't really match my personality all that well. Finland's my một giây choice, I guess, but it doesn't get better than Iceland. He's so misunderstood, it's really not fair; I hate how everyone thinks he's just a bitchy little teenager when he's so much more. But yeah, definitely Iceland :)
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